

Active Member

Dear webmasters and forum members!

We present you a platform -, to which moved our official affiliate programs and

CostAction - a new unified interface for webmasters, which unites all sections of the statistics and earnings, working conditions, and the description of tariff plans and partnership programs of and

Work with files as usual remains the primary domain. So you need upload files \ share link on or, and check statistics and earnings via CostAction.

We offer a wide choice of directions and opportunities to monetize your file traffic, we guarantee stability, high profits and steady growth!

Our main tariffs

Pay per download (PPD - All inclusive) - up to $ 20 per 1000 downloads
- count unique downloads of your account;
- count incomplete download;
- accept traffic from all countries;
- no on the file size restrictions for free downloads.
See rate schedule countries can be on this page (for registred users).

Payment for premium sale (PPS) - 60%of sales, 40% of rebills
- A large number of ways of of accepting payments, and a few merchants for accepting credit cards
- Automatic subscription for credit cards and a variety of mobile subscriptions (sms, wap, internet +, etc.)
- Pay all future rebills without prescription and no matter if user deletes cookies, source file, or other factors.

Payment for downloading and selling both (Mixed) - up to $ 7 per 1,000 downloads + 40% for sale+ 30% for rebill
The ideal option for a new, unexplored traffic. Includes all the benefits of tariff PPD and PPS.

See rate schedule countries can this page (for registered users).

Additional earnings

Referral system (turbobit)
Attract new partners and get a percent of their earnings:
-20% of each involved partner earnings (level 1 referral)
-5% of the earnings of each new partner, attracted by your partner (level 2 referral )

For simplicity, we have prepared a special, bright promo banners (for registered users)!

Sites Referrals
Earn posting turbobit \ hitfile links on your site .
We pay 10% on turbobit and 15% on hitfile, for every sale from your website, blog, forum, no matter of who is the owner of the file.

Loyalty program "Gold Partners" (turbobit)

Increase earnings and bonuses if you are constant and successful partner:
85% of sales for PPS, up to 60% of sales +$ 8.75 per 1000 downloads for Mixed plan and to $ 25 per 1000 downloads for PPD.

Payment for using downloaders (turbobit)
You can set downloading of your files via special program loader.
You will get reward for each installation of the advertising software!

Why is it worth to work with us?

-We have been working for more than 5 years
-Minimum payout is only $ 10
-Stable payments 3 times a week to Webmoney and 1 time per week to Paypal, Payza, Yandex Money and QIWI
-The detailed statistics and convenient interface for working with files
-Large choice of tariff plans with high deductions
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A useful update in “Deleted files” folder

There are 2 different types of our partners and both of them have their own style of work. One of them save files only in “Inbox” folder or have just 1-2 extra folders with a huge numbers of files. Others have a lot of folders for their convenience and file sort. And special for those webmasters type, who have loads files and folders in their accounts, we’ve done this update!
Now, you don’t have to waste so much time searching the exact folder, where were you saved some from removed files. We added the new column “Folderin the grid of “Deleted files” to make your work easier. So, you can see the previous folder of that file without any difficulties.
Moreover, if you do a mouseover to the column “FOLDER” of the required file, you’ll see the complete path of file location the way of short hint.
Furthermore, we fixed the old bag, which didn’t allow removing files from the “Delete files” folder.
At this time, when we rectified that problem, you can run all your files including removed files.

We hope you will like our new update and it makes your work easier that increase your earnings! :beers:
Here we are! New promo-banners!:grinning:
We know how you were looking forward to this moment!
So, let me introduce new promo banners to attract users and partners attention and involve them to our service! We’ve received a positive feedback after the release of promo-banners and a lot of questions about the banners for too! That’s why we’ve immediately started to make it! And now it is ready! You can share it today!
We also tried to include all popular size of banners, that’s why you can find out the best one for you. You can find new promo materials here.


Please be reminded, in addition, on the same page, you can get an individual promo link for posting it at your own blog/forum/site.
You get 50% from final cost of the purchase each times when user'll buy premium account using your promo-link or banners!
The stats of these purchases is here, in the tab page “Sites referrals”.


If you would like apply the change in the banners text for various reasons (translate it into other language, make changes to text etc.), please, download the original file in .PSD format, correct them at yours’s pleasure.
The files are available at the same page.
We are convinced these promo-materials can help you to raise your earnings and moreover to draw more users on the site!
If you want we translate the banners into your language, please, let us know about it!
Note, contact us in any case if you have some problems with banners or promo-links! :beers:
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I ask you to ban this file hosting representative, I bought an annual premium account with a credit card and the next day my account was banned,nobody returned the money to me and the account was banned forever
I ask you to ban this file hosting representative, I bought an annual premium account with a credit card and the next day my account was banned,nobody returned the money to me and the account was banned forever

we ban accounts only in very rare cases. Usually, for unsuspicious activity or when we notice rule violation.
Remote upload becomes easier :clap:

On Christmas Eve, we would like to make you happy by releasing some new features on our service. We received several claims from our partners that remote upload doesn’t work.
In particular, it refers to remote upload from
Diagnosing of the problem, we’ve found that by connecting to the premium account of the thirdly part service and trying to download some files from there into your Turbobit,net or accounts our servers had a connection with a various IPs. The security system of some file hosting services considers it as a suspicious activity and blocks premium account.
For sure, it isn’t so convenient for work to upload files quickly and it cuts down the speed and makes the productivity of your work worse. But now we have a decision! At the moment, when you chose on the remote upload panel of, you should only select one server to upload your files. Thus, file loading will be made from one IP. Page of remote upload is here.

Contact us in any case if you have some problems with remote upload using the contacts below!
you cheater!
I ask moderator to ban this file hosting representative!
return my money!

I'm a member from the start of hitfile many years ago , and the are the honest filehost i ever have seen ....
Always correct and never the have cheat with payouts ore anything others

So tolik23081999 I think you have done something wrong
:champagne:Xmas premium access promotion:champagne:
Dear partners,
Our team send you many congratulations for Merry Christmas and upcoming New Year Holiday!
It is a pleasure doing business with you, thank you for all the trust and work on us, we are looking forward to a new year filled with plenty of work and opportunities from you. All those time we were tried to do our best to lift up the quality of our product, update it, make more convenient for you to help you increase the productivity of work and as a result, increase your earnings.
We are sure that only good and joyful moments from our work are waiting for us ahead!
We are convinced that happy moments in the nearest future of our collaboration are coming soon. Wish you all the best and harmony on your families! We’ve started a new Xmas promo to increase your income in the holiday time! This promo is on not only on but on too. The promo has been started and continues till 10 January (inclusively).
Many of our users have just bought this premium access! So, you need to hurry up! We guess you have already noticed that you have more purchases last time. That’s nice! We hope that the end of the ongoing year and Xmas holiday will make you happy not only great mood but also some material reward! I wish you Happy new year and Merry Christmas!

P.S. We will post soon the schedule of payments on holidays.
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I'm a member from the start of turbobit almost 10 years and the are the honest filehost i ever have seen ....I have seen many filehosts ban accounts witout reason.You have done something wrong .tolik23081999
Always correct and never the have cheat with payouts ore anything others. Thanks Timur and Merry Christmas you all..

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