

Active Member

Dear webmasters and forum members!

We present you a platform -, to which moved our official affiliate programs and

CostAction - a new unified interface for webmasters, which unites all sections of the statistics and earnings, working conditions, and the description of tariff plans and partnership programs of and

Work with files as usual remains the primary domain. So you need upload files \ share link on or, and check statistics and earnings via CostAction.

We offer a wide choice of directions and opportunities to monetize your file traffic, we guarantee stability, high profits and steady growth!

Our main tariffs

Pay per download (PPD - All inclusive) - up to $ 20 per 1000 downloads
- count unique downloads of your account;
- count incomplete download;
- accept traffic from all countries;
- no on the file size restrictions for free downloads.
See rate schedule countries can be on this page (for registred users).

Payment for premium sale (PPS) - 60%of sales, 40% of rebills
- A large number of ways of of accepting payments, and a few merchants for accepting credit cards
- Automatic subscription for credit cards and a variety of mobile subscriptions (sms, wap, internet +, etc.)
- Pay all future rebills without prescription and no matter if user deletes cookies, source file, or other factors.

Payment for downloading and selling both (Mixed) - up to $ 7 per 1,000 downloads + 40% for sale+ 30% for rebill
The ideal option for a new, unexplored traffic. Includes all the benefits of tariff PPD and PPS.

See rate schedule countries can this page (for registered users).

Additional earnings

Referral system (turbobit)
Attract new partners and get a percent of their earnings:
-20% of each involved partner earnings (level 1 referral)
-5% of the earnings of each new partner, attracted by your partner (level 2 referral )

For simplicity, we have prepared a special, bright promo banners (for registered users)!

Sites Referrals
Earn posting turbobit \ hitfile links on your site .
We pay 10% on turbobit and 15% on hitfile, for every sale from your website, blog, forum, no matter of who is the owner of the file.

Loyalty program "Gold Partners" (turbobit)

Increase earnings and bonuses if you are constant and successful partner:
85% of sales for PPS, up to 60% of sales +$ 8.75 per 1000 downloads for Mixed plan and to $ 25 per 1000 downloads for PPD.

Payment for using downloaders (turbobit)
You can set downloading of your files via special program loader.
You will get reward for each installation of the advertising software!

Why is it worth to work with us?

-We have been working for more than 5 years
-Minimum payout is only $ 10
-Stable payments 3 times a week to Webmoney and 1 time per week to Paypal, Payza, Yandex Money and QIWI
-The detailed statistics and convenient interface for working with files
-Large choice of tariff plans with high deductions
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Please also make your payment pages responsive and fix the usability and furthermore that bad country pre-selection.
It's a real pain to use your sites on a mobile device for users seriously wanting to pay but cannot because of those accessibility problems.
problem file – your free unlimited file storage , no move no delete, no acess

Added after 1:

Dear partners, existing and future! i must inform you about important updates on which over time will be implemented at Turbobit.

1. We create a a new payment page design on, you can see here link – your free unlimited file storage


2. As you can see, here are new tariffs , which differ in the time duration of the as usual:

  • $ 9.95 - 25 days
  • $ 24.95 - 70 days
  • $ 49.95 - 150 days
  • $ 89.95 - 350 days

3. We removed SMS payments .

4. Credit Cards rebills is now re-activated (on some CC-merchant account) - 19.95 for 60 days after 25 days.

5. Temporarily disabled the option "costumer pays a commission". in a short time by a similar logic (user pays more, you earn more, too) will be introduced again, but would be based not on the commission. Coming soon.

6. "My Price" option is also temporarily block. working on it right now! we all try our best to help you use the "my price" as early as next week. All your premium-only files temporarily sold with standart tariffs rates.

7. Updated list of payment systems and merchants[/ B]. Moreover, now they are in the semi-automatic rotation [/ B], depending on the country of the user. By default, the user will be offered a specific local payment systems for some countries, or payment system with the best conversion rate [/ B]


We still glad to invite webmasters, with special conditions: increased file space, torrent upload, transfers from other file host, increased file lifetime before delete

Also we glad to cooperate with the owners of the forums/blogs!

Good Luck!

90% SMS payment

Since this new system have gone on to have 0 sales.
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Thank you for feedback! You are right and we in the near future will optmize our payment page for mobile device.

Added after 1:

which country is primary in your traffic?
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the half of 1 month sell refunded
in other host you got a 1 refund on 3 month
on turbobit it's 2 or 3 every week and guess it's only on 1 month sell

if you want to shave do it's just impossible that every week 2 or 3 refund (stable) and only on 1 month sell
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Good afternoon! We understand your concern and agree with you. We don't shave.
Please check PM i provide few details about this situation for you. We

Added after 1 17 minutes:

Good afternoon! We understand your concern and agree with you. We don't shave.
Please check PM i provide few details about this situation for you. We

Added after 1 Day:

Dear partners, existing and future! I present to you the second part of very important updates on the, which, over time, will be implemented at too.

1. New “Expensive” tariffs is ready. This tarrifs are similar to the previous - duration is unusual as you can see for this money.

$19.95 - 45 days
$34.95 - 90 days
$59.95 - 180 days
$99.95 - 380 days

2. With this release we replace the previously disabled the "Customer will pay the comission" option. So, If you want to earn more - set the option "Expensive tariffs" on your files. This choice will display instead of the usual rates for all your files, be careful. As you can see, the number of days increased. It helps to explain the increased price for the user and he agrees to purchase.

$9.95 - 25 days
$24.95 - 70 days
$49.95 - 150 days
$89.95 - 350 days

$19.95 - 45 days
$34.95 - 90 days
$59.95 - 180 days
$99.95 - 380 days

For all partners, who previously chose the 'customer pays commission" the "Expensive" tariffs automatically turned on today

3. Your "own price" for premium-only files works again! But a little differently.


Now you can choose from 1 to 4 tariffs, which will allow access to your premium-only files. Tariffs can be combined and choose from the two groups ("cheap" and "expensive").


or, for example:


So, my friends: your traffic can monetize by 2 CC merachant account + 2 payment aggregator with CC, including PayPal (!) + lots of other payment systems + you can choose from 1 to 4 tarrifs from 2 groups and combine they.
Good luck!
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Hello, any chance to generate sales via Hitfile with Premium Only mode?
I try with almost 100 files with good audience, but nothing. . .

To block Leech (Debrid) services, you need to get a link to a special file and try to download it through the leech service.
This will give us the ability to automatically detect and block their premium accounts.
Repeat operation until all of their premiums will be not blocked.

Do not download these files via your personal premium account, otherwise it will be blocked.
In the case of blocking, contact our Support Team for unblocking.

Added after 16 Hours 56 minutes:

Unfortunately, yes, the commission pays the uploader and filehost. Suppose that premium account costs $10.
Commission of payment systems varies from 10% to 40%. After payment of the commission (20%) we have $8 for example.
60% of the $6 you earn and domain +15% + bonus if exist.
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Added after 16 Hours 56 minutes:

Unfortunately, yes, the commission pays the uploader and filehost. Suppose that premium account costs $10.
Commission of payment systems varies from 10% to 40%. After payment of the commission (20%) we have $8 for example.
60% of the $6 you earn and domain +15% + bonus if exist.

Can't you change payment systems to what the other file hosts use? Because there are no other file hosts where you lose money on your sales like that.
We're almost ready to replace the merchant account to the another. :) If you write to me in a personal message, which payment system (or where on which file host do you see them) you want to see on our File Host - you'll really help to us.
You are mistaken in the fact that only we use this merchant account (with very big comission). I know at least 2 file hosts that use this merchant.
When exporting links from hitfile the turbobit link has www, when exporting from turbobit the hitfile link has www.
Can you make both the same, with or without www?

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I couldn't login to my account anymore after receiving payment... what gives?

Added after 2 Hours 42 minutes:

rubbish program, ignore my Skype chat not giving any reasons for ban.
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