Copyright Spammers - Are these people idiots? Or is there a method behind the madness

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JohnnyDavis said:
Limiting the WU-WU Remote Upload capability or perhaps removing it altogether, seems the best way forward.
Don't forget the nasty soft like multiposters/themaposters, specially used for make spam.

WU2WU+Themaposter= thousand of same bullsh1t around the world.X-(
@cvrle77 - Great post on this thread by the way:

Some very sensible advice from yourself. Hopefully, Wupload and Filesonic will take notice!!!!!

Limiting the WU-WU Remote Upload capability or perhaps removing it altogether, seems the best way forward.

In addition to this, they need to do SQL Queries of their databases. Find which users are sharing the most content, which releases are being shared the most, who's using the Remote Upload feature the most, cross reference this data and then make a report. They should look very carefully into issues where 500 or more files (all with identical URLs), have been uploaded to their servers in a very short period of time. For example, all the links below have identical URL Structures which obviously indicates a spammer who's using the Remote Upload feature.

This is sufficient to ban this user on their terms of service, ban their IP Address and blanket remove all files associated with the account. They should then add MD5 Hashes into blacklists to prevent all identical uploads.

They are both informed, both replied, and agreed that user is breaking their TOS. Actions will be taken according to that. YOU should be the one who needs to do it, on the spot, when you notice that. Anyone. Whoever catches it first.

@Deadlysting You maybe don't remember Rapidshare issues, but I was long enough with them, to remember. They did had issues, lots of them. However, difference is, that Rapidshare never had official topic, to talk with their affiliates. You wouldn't be that emotional, if there was no support topic in the first place, from Filesonic, and Wupload...

Colossus became what it is today, thanks to uploaders. Not because of their 'dream service', caps on free users were horrible, 128kb/s download speed, time between 2 files like 10 hours...filesize 200MB... ffs, bunch of programs were primarily made to go around rapidshare's lame service, like Jdownloader, cryptloader, mipony etc...

Also, RS handled very low amount of files, comparing of what is going on today, because, back then, there was at least 100X less uploaders, and downloaders...also, people didn't had dedicated server, remote functions, and all goodies they have today. Filesonic and Wupload handle right now, WAY more traffic, that RS had few years ago.
Take a closer look at the wupload thread: Most people are on PPD, which is scam, really. In order to make 40$/1000 dl's, you need to upload files bigger than 2 GB. As far as I know, most forums (if not all) don't allow files "for premium only". Very few people are on PPS, because to generate sales, you need more work, better work, not things everybody uploads.

That tells me that most Wu "uploaders" are actually spammers, using Wu-WU like crazy, because they think they will become rich.

Wherever money is involved, things are not to be taken lightly. And if some people have targeted Fsc and Wu, then measures need to be taken.

As far as I'm concerned, talking to the monkey always proves to me some very important things about him.

1. He is helpful. Always here to take pm's.
2. He is rude and mocks people. Even some spelling mistakes by users not so fluent in English, are obviously worth a good deal of irony. A while ago, a user had pointed out the fact that many users were viewing the thread at the same time. The monkey said that "they were there because they liked the company"...

I wonder though: What if he doesn't visit this place every day? What if he doesn't visit it for like, a week? What the hell will happen?

cvrle77 I beg to differ. RS had issues at first, but hell, that efficiency is really amazing. Yes, affiliates made them what they are, but, which host doesn't depend on them?

I don't think RS had to handle a small number of files. Hell it handled almost all files in file hosts. Yes, there were fewer files, yes, there were fewer uploaders and fewer tools, BUT... How many file hosts existed back in 2006? 4? 5? 10?

Now there are more than 1.000 and I may be saying too few.
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@cvrle77 - I don't think it should be us to point out who the spammers are. It should be obvious to them. This is a problem that has gotten far worse in the last 6-9 months. The spammers tested the water with Filesonic. They started off posting 1 release (thousands of posts a day) but with a box at the bottom stating 'If you like this release, try these' with 5 gazillion other links of random shite that hardly anyone would be interested in. Obviously they found out they could exploit the system and have gotten progressively worse alternating between Filesonic & Wupload or using both. They've probably uploaded several billion files in this time and very little has been done to stop them. They no longer bother with descriptions and just post millions of links at a time without explanation presumably in the hope it'll be aggregated by FilesTube.

On Rapidshare, they certainly weren't perfect but I'd largely agree with @Deadlysting. In 2006/2007, they were absolutely dominant and probably 80% of the files shared on forums were The only competitors at the time were Megaupload & Depositfiles. Even in 2009, they absolutely dominated the market and probably 30% of the links shared were Rapidshare. SharingMatrix (now Filesonic) was nowhere.

Superficially Wupload may handle more content but how much of that is worthless spam? I bet at least 50%. The axiom of 'quality over quantity' has never been more appropriate here.

They've got to sort this out immediately not just from a performance perspective but from a Legal one too. I know a few people in the creative industries who are really p**sed off with Wupload and their inability to delete massive repeat offenders of Copyrighted content. That's probably why they're on the RIAA Piracy list. You can also be sure that if the Stop Online Piracy Bill gets through Congress, they'll be blocked in the US. Perhaps it's only 1 country but what if other Governments get the same idea?

They need to handle their business a little better!
First, 40$/100DL isn't a scam, really. Unless you prove me wrong, you should say why and how it is scam, because you are only counting copyrighted material, like it is the only thing that exists. :) Forcing users to buy premiums comparing to RS:

WU & FSC = 2 and 1 GB for free users respectively.
RS = 200MB when they were starting

WU & FSC waiting time between 2 links =15 to 20 mins
RS = 600 minutes

WU & FSC speeds for free users = 300 - 400kb/s ( also 30kb/s for some users, but not FSC or WU fault, it's because of crappy peering from DC to other ISPs, and carriers)

RS = 128kb/s

Take in note, that RS, when started in 2006, and was 1 year old in 2007, could't compare to FSC and WU in any aspect. Neither they had so much traffic, neither they gave awards, neither their speed was good at all. Nothing was good, when RS was 1 year old. But I love to see how people are comparing FSC and RS now, like they started at the same time. FSC is light year away from RS, what it was when it was
Get your facts straight.
Also, when RS was 1 year old, there was maybe 50 forums, sharing files trough filehost.
Now, you probably have more than 100.000 forums, blogs, and what not. Traffic is probably more than few thousands times bigger.

Let me break it for you: 128kb/s 200MB every ten hours... You couldn't possibly download more than 500mb a day...
With FSC, or WU, you can download 1GB every 15 minutes, after your last download, with 400kb/s...that gives you possibility to download 1GB in 45 minutes, pause 15 minutes, so, 24GB a day. That's just one thing...

Basically, it's not comparable.

And Btw, spam is normal thing, RS was faced with huge amount of spam, when RS2RS script was written.... same, exactly same thing is happening, when RS had reward system, nothing is different :)
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Some good points cvrle77 but that's a slightly skewed analysis imo.

I'd agree that the two aren't comparable (Wupload now and Rapidshare back in 2006). And yes, free downloads were balls but if you were a premium member it was a revelation! I remember getting 1,000kbps + and absolutely loved it. Of course, there were far less forums back in the day (most of it was porn) but there were WAY WAY more than 50.

Fast forward to Rapidshare in 2009 and Filesonic & Wupload (now) still have an awful lot to do to reach the level of traffic Rapidshare was getting. Rapidshare at its peak, was the 35th most visited site in the world and was receiving close to a billion page impressions and 40 million unique visitors per month. That's about 3 times more than Filesonic according to DoubleClick.

With regards to spam, yes Rapidshare suffered from it but not nearly to the extent that Wupload & Filesonic have. It's just on an entirely different scale. I don't remember millions of spam files being uploaded every single day that's for sure!!!

And the huge amount of files but comparative lack of unique visitors and page impressions perhaps signifies that a lot of content on Wupload & Filesonic is garbage/spam. That's why they should get rid of it. All this shite just clogs up their servers and is of little intrinsic benefit.
2006-2011, its 5 years time, you can't possibly compare RS and WU, they aren't in the same conditions.

Back in 2006, when RS started, basically everyone was on torrents, and lime, and kazaa FTPs, BBSes, usenet, and what not...Also, average home internet speeds were probably 20X lower than todays. They simply aren't in the same conditions. So, it's not comparable. When I said 50 forums, I was thinking on 50 usable, big forums. It is probably 1000 times more than that, but, it is probably 1000 times more than 100.000 I said, for today. Every noob can have forum, or blog, many many tools were made to make sharing ( and spamming ) easier. Sborg didn't exist back then, no one was renting high speed dedicated servers, basically, what you had with RS is, that people were uploading trough crappy home connections, lot smaller files ( no blurays back then, like today ) Not to mention, that RS was giving rewards for a very short period of time ( not counting period with only RS points )
Conditions aren't the same. Wupload and FSC are taking probably 1000X more traffic measured in GB upload/download today, than RS had in 2009, and from that, system failures are a MUST. They are growing far way faster, than they can continue expanding.

What brought RS so many visitors, is filesize limitation to 200mb. You would always have to return to download second part, third part, and so on. And when you take in count, that ppl were uploading scene packaged files with 50mb max in size....meh..
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Guys, I dl'ed a 6.8 GB size file a week ago from RS. With a 10mbit connection, it took me less than two hours. My brother in law was present and had said "Man, look at it go!" He hasn't been in this file hosting thing at all, he is a total noob.

Last night, I tried to dl a 6.48 GB size file (both cases, in total) from Fsc. My brother in law was present this time too. The speed was nowhere near the one we got from RS. 4 files were being dl'ed simultaneiusly, and it took me more than 4 hours... He asked me "Is that paid service?" I said "Yes, it's premium". You know what he replied?

"Why haven't you asked for your money back yet?"

That's for the most preferred host today!

Anyway, the whole discussions isn't to compare RS and other hosts. cvrle77 is right, we can't compare things because a lot of things are different. The issue at hand is spamming. I like the fact that at least a few things have been said about the amount of abuse these two hosts are taking.

Now, their owners must either act, or their services will die.
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