Copyright Spammers - Are these people idiots? Or is there a method behind the madness

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In the last 6-12 months, I've noticed that a crazy amount of links have been uploaded by spammers. We're talking millions of Copyrighted links, often without any kind of explanation concerning the content. Nothing whatsoever. Like these clowns:

There must be over 100,000 Wupload links in this post alone but who's going to download any of them with the title 'So Nice'??!!! What's seriously the purpose of this?!

Yet, I've noticed that these links are being aggregated by FilesTube in a ridiculous amount. Most of the content appears to be leeched, old and really rather random - are these spammers making money from this?! Look at these random releases (with no explanation on sharew - site where it's scraped from in FilesTube):

Adele - 21 (over 100,000 Search Results - most of the links posted by the spammers on to Filesonic, Wupload).

Matt Duke One Day Die 2011 (14,000 + Search Results all pointing to links on Filesonic, Wupload)

Manchester Orchestra Simple Math 2011 (21,000 Search Results all pointing to links on Filesonic, Wupload)

This seems totally moronic to me and a massive waste of bandwidth. Which raises the separate question, how is it possible to upload hundreds of terabytes a day even with bots? The BANDWIDTH must be totally RIDICULOUS!!! Or stolen? And surely Filesonic, Wupload should know about this?

Thus, is the plan to steal a load of content off other uploaders? Post the links like crazy even if the forum is completely inappropriate and hope it gets aggregated?! Is there really any money in this approach??!!
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Is there really any money in this approach??!!

Why else would they do that, they are earning but at the same time killing thousands of forums with their retarded spam, i know at least 4 forums where the users stoped submitting content due the spammers posting one thread every min for hours,,, with just 10 views every post, but if they spam for 6 hours that's 360 post x10 views = 3600 views, let's say just 1000 downloads from those 3600 views and since they are using themaposter/multiposter etc etc,. it took them 3hours to set the auto-poster and they spammed 10 forums for 6 hours that's 10,000 downloads, not bad right?.
You math is very flawed,lol
You cant get 1000 downloads from 3600 views, from shitty forums, and that even lowers, when u post same topic over and over again.

What you don't realize, is, this is a money game for filehosts. Literally, there are people from other competition filehost, who purposely sabotage other hosts, by opening 100s of accounts, and doing remote upload, then posting shit links to both kill their servers and reputation..., that is what is going on...

5-7 people can easily put out of order any filehost today, except Rapidshare, megaupload, and other non-incentive filehosts
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For that you only need one guy, doing remote uploads, and seems like that's what is killing Wupload.

A single VPS remoting 5GB files and an asshole copying those files over and over in multiple account can fuck several servers in one day, you don't need to spam retarded files to fuck with the reputation of a filehost, you just need to fuck with their diskspace and their reputation with both uploaders and downloaders is gone, take a peak at the Wupload thread.
There are many guys who are transferring upto 100TB from one filehost to way is to use their own tools. But when u say to them, to limit, or cut off their remote tools, they think that will impact their earnings, while they don't realize it does impact, as long it is enabled, but not the way how would they like...
You math is very flawed,lol
You cant get 1000 downloads from 3600 views, from shitty forums, and that even lowers, when u post same topic over and over again.

What you don't realize, is, this is a money game for filehosts. Literally, you have payed people from other competition filehost, who purposely sabotage other hosts, by opening 100s of accounts, and doing remote upload, then posting shit links to both kill their servers and reputation..., that is what is going on...

5-7 people can easily put out of order any filehost today, except Rapidshare, megaupload, and other non-incentive filehosts

filehosters have, anti-redundancy systems they don't double the same files,
otherwise the servers would be full of the same shits
Wupload started as a promising host, but now it's the home of the leeching morons.
Take a look at this thread and you will see Wupload's "uploaders":

After asking the cheerful "monkey", I realised that there's no way in hell he's going to remove this spam tool. He suggests ways to keep the files from being RU, but that's about it.

I left it over a month ago, because it was facing problems, with pretty much everything. Right now, its problems have not been solved, but even worse, they have multiplied.

I guess he enjoys owning a host piled with crap.
This is all extremely interesting particularly the viewpoint that it could be other rival filehosting services responsible for this.

@manic32 - With the greatest respect Manic, I suspect Filesonic & Wupload are full of the same content. Look at those results for Adele etc, nearly all of them are on Wupload and Filesonic. That's over 100,000 links for the same album!!!! And this isn't isolated either!!! We're talking tens of millions of links for maybe 1,000 different music albums/singles (mostly old) all leaked on highly inappropriate forums (porn boards etc). Something's very suspicious here!!

I've just looked at and I think these spammers/whoever they are could be easily uploading in excess of 1 million files per day (150, 200 threads a day with 4 pages of posts and probably 20-30,000 thousand files in each thread!!) which is pretty amazing considering some of these files are in excess of 500mb each. Surely this will affect Wupload and Filesonic from a bandwidth perspective and really undermine their service long term??!!

If it's spammers and they're that technically minded, surely they'd be better served leeching newer, more popular content and actually providing descriptions for what they're uploading. Unless they're receiving huge amounts of downloads via aggregation sites like FilesTube, they're not going to earn much money and their approach seems beyond moronic to me. That's why I think there's possibly some truth to the sabotage point.

@Deadlysting - Some very interesting points and thanks for the link! I think Wupload and Filesonic need to be far more proactive on this and add MD5 hashes into a blacklist to stop identical URLs from being uploaded again especially if they've received a DMCA. Otherwise, their service will be clogged full of shit with huge strain on their servers and reputation. It would seem Wupload's reputation is slowly going down the toilet!! They won't last much longer if this continues!
Wupload & Filesonic need to do something soon otherwise they may not have a service that's worth using. I note Deadlysting mentioned this back in August: - I can't believe Wupload have done nothing to stop this!

Plus, if this isn't a concerted attempt by competitors to put them out of business, they need to get their house in order not just for performance reasons (reputation, server performance etc) but Legal too.

If I was head of a major label and saw 1,000 + new spam links going up for a key artist (even if it's an old release) every single day, I'd be extremely p**sed about it!! I'd be asking serious questions of my Legal team and wondering why Wupload were not doing a lot more to delete repeat uploaders/offenders.

It's perhaps not a coincidence that the MPAA/RIAA have stated Wupload as a filehosting service to potentially target in future (they're on a priority piracy list):

Whilst their upstream servers are in the Netherlands, WebaZilla's main data center is in the US. Not good!

They've got to stop the spammers or their service is in trouble.
Wupload & Filesonic need to do something soon otherwise they may not have a service that's worth using. I note Deadlysting mentioned this back in August: - I can't believe Wupload have done nothing to stop this!

Plus, if this isn't a concerted attempt by competitors to put them out of business, they need to get their house in order not just for performance reasons (reputation, server performance etc) but Legal too.

If I was head of a major label and saw 1,000 + new spam links going up for a key artist (even if it's an old release) every single day, I'd be extremely p**sed about it!! I'd be asking serious questions of my Legal team and wondering why Wupload were not doing a lot more to delete repeat uploaders/offenders.

It's perhaps not a coincidence that the MPAA/RIAA have stated Wupload as a filehosting service to potentially target in future (they're on a priority piracy list):

Whilst their upstream servers are in the Netherlands, WebaZilla's main data center is in the US. Not good!

They've got to stop the spammers or their service is in trouble.

I have been saying it for a while now, doesn't change a thing. If the monkey can't see it, what can I do? Anyway, Wupload seems to be dying slowly and will soon join Hotfile and the other dead filehosts.

Btw, I am trying to dl a file from WU right now, I am premium member and all I see is "Connecting". It's not downloading. The spammers keep complaining that "Stats Is Freeze":)):)):)):)):)):)):)):))

Spammed Content -> Overloaded servers -> Slow Dl Speed -> LESS dl's.

This math is impossible for spammers to understand, but who am I to teach them.

If you have a moment, go take a look in Warezbb and see for yourselves. Same topics, same content, different usernames. I've seen dozens of identical threads there, posted by "different" people.

Wupload: R.I.H (Rot In Hell)
Don't know mybe somebody already posted this but mybe not, I had not have time to read the full topic so:

One thing that you should know:

Filesonic never expected so much uploaders that it has atm.
And filesonic realized, that he will be the only one filehost, what own the 90% of the market it won't be so profitable.
(I'm ot speaking about US now!)


Imagine, if you are the biggest filehost, than who buy premium, will buy a lifetime membership, or a bigger one like 1 year --> later there will be less sales, because most of the downloaders have premium.
So what should filesonic do?
Make another filehost, with the same script, same servers (don't need to pay for the servers again), etc...
Its easy.
Check fileserve.
After wupload opened, fs did the same thing.
Opened a new filehost "filejungle".

And one more thing:


They share the market :)

BTW!: I'm using fsc + wup. I'm totally agree with their politic, and I think they have the best system (like the support, maybe a bit slow but they help wherever they can)

And about the main post:
Imo There is 2 words in warez forums:
Big forums = full of spammer, maybe 5k ppl
And the "quality" forums: where you can't post sh1ts, where you get ban if you post spam, etc. Maybe less then 500 ppl
But that 500 ppl all downloaders, and download much more!

Sry for my bad english i hope you understand what i tryed to explain :)
Spammers and Filehosts go hand in hand.

Actually, they hate spammers too...low value content, taking huge resources, while conversion is low. Specially now, when HDDs went sky high...

!Elzee There is about 2-5% of accounts, that are lifetime, or one year. People most often buy 1 month account.
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If you have a moment, go take a look in Warezbb and see for yourselves. Same topics, same content, different usernames. I've seen dozens of identical threads there, posted by "different" people.

Wupload: R.I.H (Rot In Hell)

Indeed. is also really bad too!!!!

For example, the below thread has 98 pages. Each page has far in excess of 30,000 downloads so there could potentially be close to 3,000,000 links just in this thread alone to Filesonic/Wupload. And once again, none of these files have any kind of description!!! (TURN OFF JAVASCRIPT JUST IN CASE OF POPUPS - THE AMOUNT OF SPAM LINKS IS UNBELIEVABLE!!!)

Let's just say if each link is 200mb, than that's 600tb of content uploaded in the last 6 days!!! No wonder Wupload & Filesonic are constantly having server issues!!!! They need to sort this out FAST!!!!!!

@foxman - I would agree that filehosting services have always had problems with spam. However, I cannot remember in 7 years of occasionally uploading and downloading that any filehost has had spam issues where millions of links to the same content (leeched, old and somewhat random) are being posted every single week - Adele 21, and tons of other examples.

And with regards to Legal issues, this is going to a problem. I know a few people in and around the creative industries and the perception of Wupload & Filesonic is far worse than Rapidshare or Hotfile. They're both really disliked.
It's quite easy to report that, and they will rid of it. And probably take a look, what is causing abusing of their system, and fill the holes. I've reported both topics, lets see how long will those links last. However, I am not member on those forums, so I can't report users too...If you can, just do it.

I've also gave a heads-up to both Willy and Hish, to take a look at this topic.

It was just a matter of time, when will someone realize how to kill them, using their own resources for that. And that was quite easy one, to figure out, how to use proxies, creating accounts, remoting links from one to another service, using as source filestube, and blah blah...
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cvrle77 Trust me, the monkey won't do jack about it. It's in his nature I guess to not give a shit about things others tell him.

As far as I'm concerned, Fsc and Wu are nothing, compared with the colossus called Rapidshare. I remember a time when RS handled over 50% of the total filehosts traffic, but I don't remember it having ANY issues. And bear in mind that Hotfile was a tiny size at the time.

I guess that's the difference between a real professional and a monkey...
@cvrle77 - Great post on this thread by the way:

Some very sensible advice from yourself. Hopefully, Wupload and Filesonic will take notice!!!!!

Limiting the WU-WU Remote Upload capability or perhaps removing it altogether, seems the best way forward.

In addition to this, they need to do SQL Queries of their databases. Find which users are sharing the most content, which releases are being shared the most, who's using the Remote Upload feature the most, cross reference this data and then make a report. They should look very carefully into issues where 500 or more files (all with identical URLs), have been uploaded to their servers in a very short period of time. For example, all the links below have identical URL Structures which obviously indicates a spammer who's using the Remote Upload feature.

This is sufficient to ban this user on their terms of service, ban their IP Address and blanket remove all files associated with the account. They should then add MD5 Hashes into blacklists to prevent all identical uploads.
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