Cloudzer - Payment

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Its from CLOUDZER! I work on uploaded and I now when I get money from Uploaded. I get from Cloudzer 185 euro. On UL I earn a lot of more money
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How many times I have write this! THIS IS CLOUDZER PAYMENT. MY UPLOADED PAYMENT IS CHECKED FROM 4.03.2014 SO?!.. Just wait! I get my money, You get too..
I didn't receive money yet and I'm from Europe too. I can not be patient when I see that so many people are receiveing their money except me.... :(
Dear customer,

thank you for your inquiry.

We forwarded your request to our Affiliate Management.

Sincerely yours

Support Department

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cloudZer AG
Wilenstrasse 17
8832 Wollerau
Believe it or not, I got a payment from Cyando today and it could only be from Cloudzer since I have no pending request from Uploaded.

Kudos to them.
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