i mean these lolx
why i cant upload files with zoom uploader ?
Hi, just registered few days ago, upped/posted stuff, and everything stays absolutely stuck to zero, which is beyond weird. I use filehosts for years (including uploaded ^^ ), I'm well aware not everything is counted etc, but still, an absolute zero after days, that's a premiere ;-)
Did i miss a step / some mandatory action to make the affiliate program work by any chance ?
I've also requested on 05/23 and i wish to know when payments will be made. I hope this time will be no more delays with bank.Hello Steph, I request my pay via banktransfer in 05/23/2013, status OPEN, When I receive my pay??
Thanks Steph.
Please let us know the news of adding webmoney...
Does cloudzer count sales made through Call2Pay in the stats?
Hello Steph, I request my pay via banktransfer in 05/23/2013, status OPEN, When I receive my pay??
Thanks Steph.
Dunno other sizes, but files of 191MB aren't counting, i tested it ... consider it bug or scam?
Contact the zoom development team in this case, we're not able to offer support for a third party software.