I request payout in 1st april, +30 days promised in your website. Where is my money??
cloudzer.net shall immediately review the User's application for payment. CloudZer's review shall also include a review of the User's compliance with CloudZer's TOS. CloudZer shall prepare a statement of account for each application for payment submitted by a registered User. Where, following CloudZer's review, CloudZer determines that there are no obstacles to payment, CloudZer shall timely pay the amount determined upon completion of its review (where possible within 30 business days) by such method of payment as the User has selected.
Good afternoon.
Pedi payment on March 15 by tranasferencia bank. been 45 days ....
When are you going to pay me?
Can anyone answer if payment received cloudzer last month?
I smell bad .....
ROBERTA: your are CL support? well you can explain me WHY NO one sales being counted in cloudzer== im cloudzer users by 6 months with over 700000 downloaded files ( size over 120 mb and no one salesbut im sure i had sales from my familar too.
you can explina me the reason ?
How do you expect to get paid if you don't wanna tell them your ID? :facepalm:
This week on monday or tuesday I had my first sale after 50k downloads and today my second. Cloudzer is getting better and better.![]()
That's not me, that's cloudzer... :facepalm:only two sales after 50k downloads !!!
does anybody received some payment ?
No and I do not pay.
I no longer upload more cloudzer for weeks, I'm not stupid.
I lose money requested but I'm not going to generate more money to these scammers do not even respond in their official thread wjunction
hello Roberta and Steph,
please add Webmoney to attract more affiliates. or you can use Liberty Reserve to as payout. 90% of us have no use for Amazon.de vouchers.![]()
Spamming this thread with "scammer" and not being able to tell us your account id to solve the problem? How about Stop talking here if you don't want any support from our side since it a support topic?
Am I nobody?Nobody says you have paid, so scammers.
Please WJUNCTION users:
YesCLoudzer paid you to someone in the last two months?