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stats dropped last 6-days almost to nothing..... probably cloudZer counter is more fired and bug all around

there are 21 pages on this topic almost not a single positive comment about the service they offer
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I was going to use this host but I'm not sure, besides the problem about the counter for large files (I use to upload 100mb files) I see that this host doesn't pay, just a single screenshot from Amazon but no news about Webmoney, what other payment methods they have? Payza maybe?
i'm doubtful to continue to work with this host, but if there's anyone can confirm that they pay via webmoney, maybe i'll consider to still go on.
even if they proceed (sometime...someday....) they are extremely slow for users/affiliates.

will leave files for another 30-days (month) & delete afterwards but won't post anything to newer posts from now on either.

they 've decreased also free user speed this week.
I'm pretty sure CloudZer will payout sometime, someday. I think they are working behind the scenes to establish the business so it will work smoothly.

As broadcast said above, they've decreased the free user speed. It shows that there are actually people working on CloudZer. It is not an abandoned site (although it looks like it sometimes, lol)
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