Got two sales in my first two days of uploading. Looking good so far.
Cloudshares-a, how would I add my Skrill/moneybookers info on the payment page? Do I enter my skrill email or the ID number?
Thanks again
We're sorry, there are no servers available for upload at the moment.
Refresh this page in some minutes.
will you pay the balance after you close ppd program?
like I have 15 usd,could you pay to me?
yes, this I know but now you close the ppd program and I don't work pps system so my money stuck at 15,so is impossible payout to me?
hey what reason close ppd? i earn ppd 225$ in 3 months, 0 sales had. so i need go search another site because i not get ever sales, its a shame because this was best site for me that is out there now. also current 1800 files would make 1$ or more day, so lose that earning also when ppd turned off.
We will not scam anyone and all users with money in there accounts will be paid in full as per there request.
i not have reason continue with pps, might work for some people , but not me, i not had in 3 months even 1 sale. can you pay the balance i have created now.
You have collected $6.89
I will delete all files because my files earn 1$ from old files daily, and you not give me any, example 3 months would be 90$ and you would keep all it, because ppd closed
We will not scam anyone and all users with money in there accounts will be paid in full as per there request.
pay the pending payout
[TABLE="class: tbl1"]
and add there also current balance $6.89
pay it in sametime, then account will be 0$ balance.
If not pay all i have 6.89$ what i have no use, because i not get never sale, and i know it, so wouldnt reach 20$ ever again.
Any timeline of when the new servers will be available?
We will not scam anyone and all users with money in there accounts will be paid in full as per there request. We are not using PPD any longer so we can better work with our PPS users. No one will loose any money and we will like to work with you all. Free one year premium accounts are being offered by us as well for everyone.
We will not scam anyone and all users with money in there accounts will be paid in full as per there request. We are not using PPD any longer so we can better work with our PPS users. No one will loose any money and we will like to work with you all. Free one year premium accounts are being offered by us as well for everyone.
1 year acc free ? Last month you not extended my account you said use earning . :thumbdown:
Why you not enable option limit size for premium ........I want custom it.