I'm uploaded
Please upgrade my account: hubabor
we will be getting some new banners done shortly, we are aware they are not ideal. When we start to work on them I will reach out to you via PM to see what you think. Thanks for the feedback.
I wait new bannners same.
we will be getting some new banners done shortly, we are aware they are not ideal. When we start to work on them I will reach out to you via PM to see what you think. Thanks for the feedback.
upgrade my account pls
user: ericwalkerr
Any news for webmoney status?
Best regards
Hi, I wanted to communicate this problem I have every day with the download.
As seen in Table I several downloads with the fees to zero, despite the tariff plan as the PPD.
I state that have not premium, if you can solve the problem,
surely I am become premium.
My user ginko53
Hi, I wanted to communicate this problem I have every day with the download.
As seen in Table I several downloads with the fees to zero, despite the tariff plan as the PPD.
I state that have not premium, if you can solve the problem,
surely I am become premium.
My user ginko53
I have the also same isue . please check this and solve it
Hi, I wanted to communicate this problem I have every day with the download.
As seen in Table I several downloads with the fees to zero, despite the tariff plan as the PPD.
I state that have not premium, if you can solve the problem,
surely I am become premium.
My user ginko53
your account was not at Premium so we made it Premium for you. We also tested a download file from your account and it tested out just fine. If you see the 0 downloads it is due to the user not fully downloading the file. Please test it and you will see that complete downloads indeed count in your account. It will show as zero for you as we dont count downloads for money when you download a file yourself from your account but you can indeed see that it is working as expected. Also the download calculations are working without issue, there are many from today in your account you can see in your reports.
Added after 1:
It is because of incomplete downloads as mentioned.
I have the also same isue . please check this and solve it
Hi, I wanted to communicate this problem I have every day with the download.
As seen in Table I several downloads with the fees to zero, despite the tariff plan as the PPD.
I state that have not premium, if you can solve the problem,
surely I am become premium.
My user ginko53
cloudshare kindly fix servers there very slow on premium for download speed
may I ask how do you sent the payment?
I was request 20.73
and you split send 2 times, first is 14.35,second is 5.29
add up this 2 only get 19.64 less 1.09
ok now the paypal also got fees to charge,14.35-0.93=13.42 5.29-0.53=4.76
total I lost 2.55 my money,wtf this is highly scam the amount,this is no first time you sent the payment like this,before I got 2 payment same like this less the amount,do you know how to sent the payment actually?