i can login now, thanks for fast response 
New Stocks Are Added Now, Check Shopping Cart - CloudRDP.orgNL 60G (0 Available) ??? I can't buy it
New stocks of NL 500GB addedNL 500G (0 Available) ?
Check now, It should work.no work promo code? WJ10OFF
Check now, It should work.no work promo code? WJ10OFF
Your Order is Confirmed successfully, Check your mail for details.New order Ticket #948032(WMZ)
Please confirm,thank you
offline again for 12h, any news ??
We don't sell Dedi server, We only Sell RDP (Remote Desktop)Hi, I need a dedi server do you sell?
offline again for 12h, any news ??
Due to hardware fault the RDP server was down again, Its now back online.offline again for 12h, any news ??
You can request us which software you need to install. We will install that software for you.can i install any software my own choice? or need to submit ticket?
We have 60GB, 160GB, 260GB, 360GB & 500GB plans. Check our RDP Plans for details.Do u offer 200 GB?