Beta - 90% PPS and 90% Rebill - Affiliate Based Cloud Host

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Iam not able to upload anything since joining ... The File uploader hangs indefinitely ... and sometimes it doesn't even show ... It's been a week or more but i am still fighting to upload one ....Anyone facing such issue ....

Is there any other upload option other than the web upload and RU . ??
Yes, we will warn you before we ban your account.

So will you ban more than 90% uploader of your host? X-(
Anyone around here upload non-copyrighted data? :facepalm:

I think you should update this rules to top post and people will not waste their time :facepalm:
Hi Hawk,

i request for my payment on 10 may and today in my account it shows status paid but i didn't get payment.

i sent PM to Hawk.

please check.
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Check you server on s28 i upload on there no run and check you script please use free user so hard to delete file and so hard to remote upload its like stuck dont run normaly can you upgrade to xfilesharing pro v2.0 it more relieble

Now get this error look my screen shot
This heppen on i try delete my files

And i try remote uplaod it show this error

Repair please you site and you server
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You must be mad to think that a file host will ignore DMCA requests. We will WARN you before we ban your account, isn't that enough?

I don't think file host will ignore DMCA requests
The point is people will loose all their files and money if you ban them
Why don't you delete files only and keep account safe?
I see some hosts around here do that and they're still working. Just delete files.
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