CloudImg - Earn up to 7.00$/1000 views + 20% referral earnings

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We are working hard to restore the site. Lot of images are lost but all earnings has restored! ImgShot based scripts has lot of security problem. We will change ImgCandy and ImgTube engine to CloudImg script. Thank you for your patient.
Hmm... Are you PuTa or just the hacker? [:|]

If you are PuTa please use your account.
I noticed that this week there are many imghosts got hacked. Probably the ImgShot script has security bugs, but I think the CloudImg script also can have issues. Please check it, and fix the security problems.


cloudimg user is the developer account not hacker :) . We're working hard to solve the problems.

CloudImg started again!!!

ImgCandy and Imgtube will change engine. We need some hour to finish ImgShot to CloudImg converter script!
If I'm not wrong, these things are correct right? Is The Domain You Pay For, And Minimum Payout Is $3, Payza/Paypal & Payments Are Done Within 3 Days Usually 24 Hours, And This Is The Official Thread of That Domain...Correct?
I can't log in to imgtube. Please help me with that. Password recovery doesn't work. I didn't receive any email. User ID loveforever819
PuTa. Too many adds, people are too confused how to get to the image, Even I couldn't figured out . Please do not cover link to img with ads. Make clear "continue to image". Otherwise it useless to use your host

I tested right now and I got email.
I have the same problem with cloudimage tryed to register with 2 several email hosts
get no email if the users say to you your email system works not corect you should to test this with several email hosts

your system have bugs!!! i take now a other hoster ..... a hoster with emal bugs cant have
PuTa. Too many adds, people are too confused how to get to the image, Even I couldn't figured out . Please do not cover link to img with ads. Make clear "continue to image". Otherwise it useless to use your host

Iviv. Paying image hosts have to pay their users somehow...
If you do not satisfied with a host... do not use it!
It is not necessary to call it "useless" when lots of users satisfied with it.
Just try other ones...
Lots of users are satisfied with Cloudimg... counting is honest, and payment received within 24 hours.
If your "people" do not know, how to get to the image, than try to explain it to them.
It is not so difficult...
Tier 1 increase

PuTa. Too many adds, people are too confused how to get to the image, Even I couldn't figured out . Please do not cover link to img with ads. Make clear "continue to image". Otherwise it useless to use your host

Iviv. Paying image hosts have to pay their users somehow...
If you do not satisfied with a host... do not use it!
It is not necessary to call it "useless" when lots of users satisfied with it.
Just try other ones...
Lots of users are satisfied with Cloudimg... counting is honest, and payment received within 24 hours.
If your "people" do not know, how to get to the image, than try to explain it to them.
It is not so difficult...

Thank you qwz75!

You are absoultely right! Guys try to understand we live from advertiser. We can't sell premium like filehosts to earn money from other way. I think we don't use more ads/popads like other imagehosts and we didn't increase popads recently. Visitor can find the "Continue to image" button. We are planning to increase Tier 1 soon!

Added after 4 minutes:

I have the same problem with cloudimage tryed to register with 2 several email hosts
get no email if the users say to you your email system works not corect you should to test this with several email hosts

your system have bugs!!! i take now a other hoster ..... a hoster with emal bugs cant have

I tested now, it's working! I request a new password and I got it. I use gmail.

Added after 6 Days 1:

Dear Uploaders!

We are happy to inform you that we increase Tier 1 to 7.00$! I hope it can compensate your losses.

If you have any idea how can we make our service better don't hesitate to inform us. Let's upload guys! :)
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can you please provide refferal banners?

Dear indianbond!

We don't have referral banners at the moment, but we are planning to create soon. You can use referral link at the moment (Dashboard->bottom).

Thank you, I am looking for a stable space to put pictures

You are in the best place :)

Guys don't forget, we increased Tier 1 to 7.00$! This is one of the highest rate ever!
very well made imghost but very confusing for a user clicking on the img link you post to get to your img whats does this mean the imghost is getting paid for there ads when a user clicks on your posted link to your img but never finds hes way to your img so you dont get paid but the img host does very bad you guys should make this less confusing or redirect the user to the image after the 5 sec so we can also get paid not just you guys
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very well made imghost but very confusing for a user clicking on the img link you post to get to your img whats does this mean the imghost is getting paid for there ads when a user clicks on your posted link to your img but never finds hes way to your img so you dont get paid but the img host does very bad you guys should make this less confusing or redirect the user to the image after the 5 sec so we can also get paid not just you guys
On one hand, you are right.
But please understand, if imghosts don't use a button to view the picture with counted earnings, very much users would abuse the service with autosurf programs. Advertisers don't pay the imghost for autosurf traffic. So earnings would be counted, but the imghost site won't receive enough advertising revenue to pay us! So the imghost wouldn't pay any users. It won't be great for anyone.
So imghosts use Continue to Image buttons to prevent abuse.
But, you are right: On the most of imghost, it's hard to find the Continue to Image button. It's hidden, you fisrt need to click on some advertisements to "close" them, to find the button. Imghosts SHOULD MAKE a more identifiable button. It would increase earnings!

Best Regards
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