CloudImg - Earn up to 7.00$/1000 views + 20% referral earnings

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We made some new options in our system. Here you can see the updates what we made:

2013.11.22. - Update and Bugfix


  1. You can set in "My settings", how many images can appear per page at "Images" menu.
  2. You can order you images by dates, earnings, views.
  3. You can set your default homepage. (My settings)

  1. You have to set your payment ID before request your earnings.
  2. News function has been fixed.
Dear Users!

We made some new options in our system. Here you can see the updates what we made:

  • My account new panel (today income, yesterday income, total paid)
  • Some visual upgrade
  • Lightbox in view page
  • Messages removed
Too many ads. Users too confused, you can't get to image. I don't have any views and as same time on other hosts a lot of views
Dear Uploaders!

We have problem with view count. We will fix it as soon as possible! We will compensate our users! Sorry for this issue!

Fixed, everything works well! Thank you for your patience! We increased Tier 1 to 6.00$ for 24 hours to compensate you!
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