Close Beta - New Era image host, Tier One 12$/1000IP, 100% No-Shave, No Tricky rates

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ya and most probably i think that some major fault in stats counting bz this guy looks bit honest . but u can never say abt these hosts . but ya abt 60 % cut in earnings from 2 days . and dont kno wif there is fault then maybe they will compensate us for these 2 days ....will wait for 1-2 days more then will stop if stats are not corrected or no words from the owner . hope he says something on this issue today
dont know but already 2 days are wasted and we dont even know that if its delibrate or some fault and if we will be compensated for this fault of theirs
Certainly problems of website because it's a problem very clear. It's August, him must be at sea on vacation because also payments are still in pending. :)
I hope there will be no problems for the coming months.
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ya but if we had a word from admin it would have been great bz 90 % of these host cheat and make good excuses but this person dont seem so but we still worry bz u never know . hope for good and hope u reply today and tommorow and compensate for our loss and dont make some excuse like its our real stats and nothing wrong with software etc :)
Indeed here all waiting the fix because the stats are almost stopped now and payments all in pending from days.
In the country of owner now is 05 : 35 AM.
I hope him fix soon because here all we are wasting time/money. :(
true i will wait for 1 more day if dont have a word from admin i will pause using them till this thing is fix and admin dont compensate for our losses bz 3 days is a good time and worst part is he is not even responding
i noticed one thing that the stat stops and as soon u upload new pic then again it start to move but for very less time . anyone else felt same experience ?
Hi all, all your stats are in our database.

We have some problem with updating stats. We will fix asap and your money will for sure come back.

In our internal system we fixed a bug that all IPs which has paid view between April - August is unable to count again.

Because of bug fixes above,

In our internal system we notice the increase of user's earning (30%~40%) Since we fixed the system, but we arent aware of the stats not updating bugs until today as we have our holiday until monday just this time

Will update you all "To Login and get your earnings updated" as soon as its fixed.

No, do not feel sad. Once you see your earnings came back, and you start trying our host again. You will be WOW for the earnings, because we fixed an crucial bug as mentioned above.

No, we look trusted and we are as trusted as ever. We don't say much, we let action do the talks.

Worrying doing your business and hardwork with us. No Ever.

All payment has been made.

Please be patience with us.

Sorry for any inconveniences.


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like he said till monday was holiday so hope we have our stats and compensation updated today or by tommorow . thanks for telling us te problem @ admin
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