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When do you update the referral earnings statistic ?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We are busy working on the site this few days.

Referral statistic update time is the same as earning stat update period.

Currently referral registration on gallerynova does not work. We can add it for you manually as an temporary solution.

Kindly send an email to if you wish to do so.


Best regards,
Kyle Abraham
Community Specialist
When do you update the referral earnings statistic ?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We are busy working on the site this few days.

Referral statistic update time is the same as earning stat update period.

Currently referral registration on gallerynova does not work. We can add it for you manually as an temporary solution.

Kindly send an email to if you wish to do so.

The Remote Upload at Home(PRO) are also malfunctioned for weeks. Please check again, tks.
When do you update the referral earnings statistic ?

Hi, sorry for the late reply. We are busy working on the site this few days.

Referral statistic update time is the same as earning stat update period.

Currently referral registration on gallerynova does not work. We can add it for you manually as an temporary solution.

Kindly send an email to if you wish to do so.


Best regards,
Kyle Abraham
Community Specialist

everything is ok

Thanks for payments
How to change account settings, like password etc??

btw Thx for payment

Hi, due to some reason we do not provide password reset via website.

Password reset are to be made by admins only, please contact support and we will reply you with instruction to reset password.


Best regards,
Kyle Abraham
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