- Private Media Sharing site / up to $50/10k & 30% off referrals

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That is quite weird. Have you checked your download speed? Is that normal?

I just checked and I can upload with 800-1000kb/s which is good for the internet speed I currently have. You can see it here

Have you tried the remote upload, even though you disabled the direct links? I am not too familiar with Openload, but I just did some tests and even with disabling those it worked.
Please let us know when the remote upload for Openload stops working and it will get fixed again. :-) I will try to further investigate tomorrow, as to why the upload speed seems to be not as fast for you.

We will continually try to add more hosts and I will add those to requested list. It might take a little while for us to implement further as we are working on several other features right now. But stay tuned, and those will get added.

By the way, your speed looks much nicer than mine ;)
You are right Aalesund, there are issues with these two hosts as well unfortunately and I will work on fixing them! In the meantime, if you do have the direct link the source file then you can use the simple remote upload. By direct link I mean some link that leads to a destination like this:
Hi huangxinwei,

we have given you a 2 dollar credit for this inconvenience. We don't exactly know yet, why it seems to not be counting correctly for you, because it seems for everyone else it does. I will investigate a little deeper as to why this issue comes up for you!

Would you mind telling me if you receive any errors in your console?

As you can see here ( ) , views do get counted, yet there might be an issue that I am not facing on my end so it would be really helpful if you could assist me a little in troubleshooting.

If you could do the following, that would be great:
1. Navigate to any of your videos
2. Open the console and if you use Chrome, open the Network tab.
3. If you use Firefox, just open the console.
4. play the video now from beginning till end and you should receive 10 XHR requests. In my screenshot you can see three of them. Open them and see what it says.

Thanks a lot!


I just figured out most of your views came from the newly implemented embed feature from yesterday. That was the issue, because we just now updated it so views get monetized through it as well. Anyways, thanks again for letting us know though. :-)
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Ha ha, if you have any inconveniences like that, you will be next on the list then ;-)

Yes, you can now set the option to anonymous in your file manager or when editing the post and no one will know who it was posted by, but you'll still be monetized.
Ha ha, if you have any inconveniences like that, you will be next on the list then ;-)

Yes, you can now set the option to anonymous in your file manager or when editing the post and no one will know who it was posted by, but you'll still be monetized.

Why dont you make an option in Settings for all video to be Private at default value?
Now i must set every video private and this is boring, also FTP option and zoom uploader support will be nice too.
BTW thanks for embed)
Good improvements, this is getting good shape (y). By contributing, I think it could be removed or that it is optional to receive email every remote upload. I also think it would be interesting since it is not remunerated, that the option to be able to download the video that appears by default, we can decide ourselves. Finally, I don't know if it just happens to me, but my email appears in the tags and also a default password.

Hi chefo!

I agree, some changes in order to simplify some processes definitely can be made and will be made. The closest feature to setting all videos to private by default is the option to set "Private" before you upload the files.

FTP upload is definitely on our to-do list. There are some minor things we need to improve still, but it will be implemented fairly soon. Regarding zoom uploader support, I will have to admit, I have never really looked into it. Could be a good idea if the demand is there, but I would have to make some research myself first.

Thanks chefo!

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree, how we currently handle remote uploads will get revamped drastically so you can keep track of the upload status as well. It is just a little more work and we didn't want to keep this feature away from you while it is not yet implemented.

I also think it is a good idea to let the affiliate choose whether the file is downloadable or not. Will definitely get added as well!

Now, with your email etc appearing in the tags, that sounds strange to me and I personally haven't encountered it, which doesn't mean there isn't a bug hidden somewhere haha I will look more closely into this tomorrow, as it is getting really late and I need to catch some sleep.

Have a good night everyone and thanks a lot! :-)
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Hi chefo!

I agree, some changes in order to simplify some processes definitely can be made and will be made. The closest feature to setting all videos to private by default is the option to set "Private" before you upload the files.

FTP upload is definitely on our to-do list. There are some minor things we need to improve still, but it will be implemented fairly soon. Regarding zoom uploader support, I will have to admit, I have never really looked into it. Could be a good idea if the demand is there, but I would have to make some research myself first.

Thanks chefo!

Thanks for the feedback!

I agree, how we currently handle remote uploads will get revamped drastically so you can keep track of the upload status as well. It is just a little more work and we didn't want to keep this feature away from you while it is not yet implemented.

I also think it is a good idea to let the affiliate choose whether the file is downloadable or not. Will definitely get added as well!

Now, with your email etc appearing in the tags, that sounds strange to me and I personally haven't encountered it, which doesn't mean there isn't a bug hidden somewhere haha I will look more closely into this tomorrow, as it is getting really late and I need to catch some sleep.

Have a good night everyone and thanks a lot! :-)

thanks, also noticed you have now new Your media section in menu, fine, but multiselct option is needed here for whateever i want to do with my videos
Hi chefo,

I agree, multi selection would be great. You would need it for making media "private" or "anonymous", right? Or are you looking for some other behavior?
Hi huangxinwei,

The view count might still be off, because it is based on views. You only get monetized for the "plays" of your video and once the minimum threshold of 10% of the total video has been watched. We implemented Google Analytics as well to track how many times each video has actually played and how much it has played. We will cross compare those results to our data and see if there truly is some misinformation there.

If you check the console and you truly aren't monetized, it would be greatly appreciated if you let me know those steps to reproduce the issue, because every single media we try, they get monetized properly which doesn't mean that there couldn't be an issue somewhere. It just seems to be working fine as of now on our end.

Hi nofearfcp!

Thanks for giving us a try. Yes, we just manually activated your account. I will talk to our mail provider to see where the hiccup could have been.

Thanks! :-)
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