Christmas Competitions - Details

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  • What do you like about WJunction?

I like WJ Theme. This makes me spend more time. inspires others to be professional in maintaining their blog/forum. Perfect categorization of sections.

  • What do you dislike about WJunction?
not active on facebook and twitter.

Today's competition, simply answer the following question:

What new features would you like to see on WJunction?

Simply enter by posting your response below, members of staff will select 3 entries and they will respectively win: 1st Prize: $25, 2nd Prize: $15, 3rd Prize: $10
I would like to see a few things

1. A better hosting section with grades per hosting and reviews.
2. I really think that a legit trusted exchange service is needed.
3. Better user statistics.
What do you like about WJunction?

  • Free to become a member.
  • Learning new techniques throughout your online ventures.
  • Buying and selling services.
  • Networking with other business and success minded individuals.

What do you dislike about WJunction?

  • Not fully detailed on membership before signup.
  • No email or phone contact information.
  • Spamming still occurs in some areas of the site.
  • Sections other than file hosting are a bit clustered in their content.

WJ's own trusted automatic exchange service between paypal/webmoney/bitcoin etc.

News section under each category like file host, hosting etc in which all related technological and current news given there so no users remain updated and also can comment and discuss about it.

Chatbox shown on right side of every page with option to hide for needed users. Thus users can chat and view chats while browsing through any section of WJ.

User who got higest no of reputation points in previous month displayed of homepage and also a special badge is given for their valuable contribution. Just like a roll over trophy who keeps getting high reputation points every month.

Also top 5 (or suitable) most viewed threads in last 30 days (or suitable) is displayed on homepage. So those threads get even more popular.

Add WJ own scripts (or quick link to otther sites) of popular webtools like bbcode to html convertor, html to bbcode, quick alexa rank rank checker, website speed test, network speed test and others so users not need to depend an other sites.

When click on a thread (especially old thread) take users directly to last page which is where they mostly want to go unless its some announcement or other new thread. Current scenario is users click on thread link and again click again and again till they reach last page as there is no fixed last page link due to varying page number so not able to bookmark either.
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]The winners are:[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]1. dkp[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]2. Grize[/FONT]
[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]3. vientos[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]You'll receive a PM on how to claim you prize.[/FONT]

[FONT=proxima_nova_rgregular]Note: There maybe some delays on claiming prizes due to management being busy with the introduction of this skin along with other things they have planned.
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