Choosing Anonymous Proxies?

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There are lots of anonymous proxies out there, and anyone concerned about their privacy probably uses one for at least some of their web browsing. The Megaupload story highlights the fact that having servers in the USA is not a great idea. There are also other countries one may not want to trust. Oddly, very few proxy services mention where their equipment is located. What anonymous proxy services do you use? What criteria do you use to select them? How paranoid are you, and for what types of Internet usage?
This is a good point, I myself own around 100 proxy sites, working off 16 ip's in 5 different countries, I have often thought about giving my end user the choice of country to surf from.

Perhaps I will do it this week :)

I guess Botnets and Seven Chains It's the only way to stay truly anonymous and secure on the internet. You cannot trust companies to provide you true anonymity and proxies, especially if money is involved.

Never trust anyone, and never expose to anyone who you are. That is the only way to stay secure on the internet? (:
25 dollars a month for a vpn service? lol hidemyass most servers, most reliable, over 200 servers, secure ip bind feature etc etc, prices are 11 bucks a month or cheaper if you buy more than a month, but there's plenty of free reliable vpn servers, never heard of someone charging 25 bucks for a vpn service.:facepalm:
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Good luck almost any vpn service collects logs, :) And the only reason you wouldn't want log records is if you had something illegal in mind, good luck posting and finding your answer:) Half of which they say they don't keep log but in reality they do.
I can recommend Perfect-Privacy. They have a lot of Servers. They offer PPTP-VPN, OpenVPN, SSH-Tunnels, Simple HTTP Proxies and SOCK5-Proxies. I used them a lot in last years and the speed was great. But they are really pricy, so I'd recommend to take the yearly payment plan, where you pay ~13 $ / month. I think that's ok. And as two big Pro's they have Remote Port Forwarding (for e.g. Torrent) and you have unlimited traffic.

I'm personally using TOR right now, because I don't need the high bandwidth and I'm fine with the lousy speed ;)
proxy just hide your ip but can't hide mac,motherboard n,modem n,opertion system
so most sites like google,,yahoo finds you
the best vpn that hide this

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