check out my site

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Loads for me but I don't like the Phaze button and other link under every post, it's annoying. Plus the searchbar is out of place, it isn't snug in the rectangular box.

Other than that, the desktop feel is kinda nice, but I think it can get annoying after a while.
Loaded fine for me.

I like the look of the site. Easy to use and I like the way that you can change the 'theme'. I would like to see the 'shut down' button close the 'start menu' as it's a bit of a disappointment that it does nothing.

As pointed out in an earlier post, the search box is out of alignment and needs to be sorted.

The phaze links weren't too much of a problem as I just ignore them. However, the 'downloads' link on the right hand side would be better if it showed the name of the site rather than just the word 'Downloads'. Relying on the idea that everyone will know the logo next to the word 'Downloads' is not a good idea. Using the logo and the site name as the link I feel would be a better idea.

I don't like your site banner at the top of the page that links back to your home page. I looks like it links to another site that you are advertising and if you click on it, as I did, it just returns your site. That I did find annoying. I feel it should be a site banner/logo so everyone knows which site they are on and give the site a starting identity.

All these are, of course, just my opinions but I hope they help in some way. However, all this said didn't stop me trying to join.
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