Selling Cheapest Real Looking Facebook Likes 2.5k for 5$ Only

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Active Member
Here i present you cheapest FB real looking likes and twitter followers at re-seller price.

2.5k FB High Quality Likes (Permanent) 5$
10K Twitter Followers (Very Few Drops) 5$
2.5k Fb Post and Photo Likes (Permanent) 5$
4k Fb Regular Likes (May contain Profiles without details) 5$

Payment Method
We are accepting Paypal & Payza right now.

1 hours Max (Super Fast almost Instant delivery)

Details you Need to Provide
Your Links Only


Important Note
All fans are real looking bots hosted on our server. They are used only to improve your page impression. They are not active.

Refund Policy
We do not refund unless we fail to deliver fans in due time. We have a replacement policy for first 30 days if any drops occur more than 5%.
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I reccomend caution with these kind of things, from experience you can have your publishing rights terminated buying bulk LIKES in this way, its up to you if you want to take that risk though i guess. I bought a similar package one time, but for Twitter, after 2 days my account was locked, i unlocked it to find all my Followers were removed and all posts as well, so for me it wasnt worth the money i spent to have to start all over again. Facebook and the other social media sites have caught onto these schemes of the multiple fake accounts liking pages
I'm interested in getting FB Likes,
If you give REAL HUMAN Likes then i am interested but i'm interested if you give likes from COUNTRIES as i need likes only from my country
All the likes are fake and not human as he claims (even after i asked him x10 times), they are all bots.

I received 1900 likes and i was watching them increase on my page, how do i know they are fake:
1# The likes came in bunch of around 500 at a time, as in in a period of 1 - 2 minutes 500 likes were added, ---8 min pause--- another 500 added ---8 min pause--- another 500 ect...
2# My page has absolutely nothing on it.
3# I had a look at the majority of the profiles that were liking my page and they all had between 10 - 20 friends each each they have liked 500+ pages each.
4# Most of the fans if not all have all liked near enough the same previous content as each other.
iHate, mate im not finished yet. You will get those promised real likes. As your page had only 2 likes, i had to get populate it with some bots first. It is a part of promotion. Please come to skype.
iHate, mate im not finished yet. You will get those promised real likes. As your page had only 2 likes, i had to get populate it with some bots first. It is a part of promotion. Please come to skype.

I have spoken to Z_UpLoAdEr on Skype and he has assured me that i will get the likes promised, i was not aware that he would initially add bots to populate the page therefore i assumed that when he sent the bots they were what i was getting, this was a miscommunication. What he has done so far is posted my page url on a few 100k+ fan pages. So my initial review is inaccurate if he comes through with the likes.

I await the results and i will return with the feedback, watch this space.
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