Cheap offshore web hosting who ignore DMCA

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I am looking for cheap and good offshore web hosting service who ignore dmca .
Unlimited diskspace
unlimited Band width
unlimited database

price is around $5 or less
you will need an offshore hosting provider like in Panama city where the DMCA complaints are not entertained on that level. However you may need to increase your budget a bit in order to get such requirements with an Offshore hosting provider.
There is no such thing as Unlimited ;) Its just a marketing gimmick.

Look for providers with realistic plans & not bogus marketing stuff.
you will need an offshore hosting provider like in Panama city where the DMCA complaints are not entertained on that level. However you may need to increase your budget a bit in order to get such requirements with an Offshore hosting provider.

Please suggest me hostings
Also, there's no hoster who ignore DMCA abuses absolutely for a long time. Earlier or later your site or your hoster will be closed. :)

DMCA has no legal foundation in the EU, therefor it can be ignored. Thought depending on the hoster, they can take action. We judge case to case situations. Note that NL and other EU countries have a Notice and Take Down procedure: Notice and take down - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Check out CCIHosting which provides complete offshore hosting , they are quite old providers and are in business from quite a long time now.
I am looking for cheap and good offshore web hosting service who ignore dmca .
Unlimited diskspace
unlimited Band width
unlimited database

price is around $5 or less

Unlimited diskspace , Bandwidth ?! You can't find any Unlimited hosting.

Netherlands , Luxembourg is best choice for dmca ignoring & you can find many dmca ignored hosting companies. just search on google
I am looking for cheap and good offshore web hosting service who ignore dmca .
Unlimited diskspace
unlimited Band width
unlimited database

price is around $5 or less

You can find a number of hosting companies offering DMCA ignore but your budget is too low to buy from them. you need to increase your overall budget and look for hosting company which offer most competitive rates in this niche.
Alternatively you can use a DMCA free vps from Switzerland and use the best of ram, hdd and cpu. This way you will have faster website, attract more visitors and get higher Google rank.
Why hosting have to ignore DMCA? :)

DMCA is a US law. privatelayer is a Switzerland company.
Why would you expect a US law to have jurisdiction over a Switzerland, Dutch , sweeden & ... company?
DMCA laws are only for the benefit of US ...!

You clearly have no idea of what you are talking about. If a US agency needs something taken down, it gets taken down. PERIOD. It's sort of a give and take thing between countries.

Its just that your petty upload that entertains maybe 50 people is not worth the trouble for them.

If you still doubt it and will pull the "Why would you expect a US law to have jurisdiction over a Switzerland, Dutch , sweeden & ... company?" bullshit, then I would highly suggest that you look into how multiple Swiss Pirate Party servers were taken down.

Cheers. :good:
If a US agency needs something taken down, it gets taken down
Really they can't taken down all websites in any countries.
Sweeden, Iran, Russia & ... , & ...

Piratebay and ISOHunt and many other torrent sites and also Mega were taken down under pressure from US Government. But this is offtopic from what OP asked for so I will have to stop discussing this. If you want to, you can PM me and we can for sure talk about it.
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