We will add WebMoney officially to our site next week, all other methods will add is soon.
Monday is over and the download speeds are still slower than dirt.
Download speed is good all previous day, there was problem in network cards and we replace it to new one and download/upload speed stable.
Can you please told me in which country your visitor ?
Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
It's not a problem on my end it's on yours.It's still a server issue.It doesn't matter where the downloader is from & I've tried a bunch of my files as well (I'm in the US) and every file I've tried except for 2 so far are between 25-50kbs & a couple wouldn't even start.It doesn't matter when they were uploaded. I uploaded a couple just a little while ago to see if even newly uploaded files are the same and they were slow too.You must have 1 or 2 servers performing properly and the rest aren't working worth a damn.