ChayFile » Get paid to share files [6$ per 1000 downloads - Minmum 1$] daily payouts!

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You are welcome and i'm waiting your first request payment to send you free welcome bonus .

Let me know if you need any help .

Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
You have 3 downloads only for your files from this forums :

Your files size " 0 / 100 " and download from Turkey .

Your account earn " 0.006 " and every things fine my friends .

Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
This Host is totally uninteresting for European Uploaders.

As everyone knows, 80-90% from European Downloaders are using JD or IDM. And now Chayfile also don't count DL's with IDM, so i have to hope that someone don't use JD or IDM.

Of course not, its a waste of time.
Another payment received. Thx

Thanks for the payment.
no 20% bonus

You are welcome , it's only for frist week promot .

Account balance frozen. Please Fix

Send me your username please .

This Host is totally uninteresting for European Uploaders.

As everyone knows, 80-90% from European Downloaders are using JD or IDM. And now Chayfile also don't count DL's with IDM, so i have to hope that someone don't use JD or IDM.

Of course not, its a waste of time.

Who is tell you that IDM downloads not count ? it'as counting my friends in our site .

if your account have problem send me your username and i will check it .

Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
Is the Reports page added already?

Apparently a bad question... admin never replies. No report page = easy to cheat earnings. Be advised.
Last edited:
independent, nick8487, nikolayevic and kevin94

I will add bonus to yyour account now , we disable the old server until we finish moving to new one .

Please reupload them and share it again , this problem will not happen again .

Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
to chayfile


Why you deleted my file all 83 file because?

I feel sad with chayfile :facepalm:

Please explain

upload 2014-08-27 why file expire

user: tianny
Last edited:
Upload Don't Working
Please check and fix

It's working fine and you upload files before 1 hours ago and many new files uploaded now .

If you have any problem please make screen to me .


Why you deleted my file all 83 file because?

I feel sad with chayfile :facepalm:

Please explain

upload 2014-08-27 why file expire

user: tianny

Hi .

Because of some problem in old file servers , we have adding new strong servers and old server disabled to move it to new one .

We offer to you $$$ by delete your old files and reuploaded again , then updateyour old links with new one and start making money "" we will add extra money "bouns" for every one reupload files again""

Best Wishes,
ChayFile Support
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