Celebrating 1K Posts on WJ

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Man I recently crossed the 2k mark but I didnt open a thread, I wanna beat OJ First, then I will open a thread "Crossed OJ Post Count"

Anyways congo
Man I recently crossed the 2k mark but I didnt open a thread, I wanna beat OJ First, then I will open a thread "Crossed OJ Post Count"

Anyways congo
u cant, he spams alot.. All he gets in post counts are when he closes a thread, lol wj closes i guess around 100-150 threads a day :P hehe..
Man I recently crossed the 2k mark but I didnt open a thread, I wanna beat OJ First, then I will open a thread "Crossed OJ Post Count"

Anyways congo

Good Luck Beating OJ, OJ has somewhat 16K Posts and you are Currently on 2.3, and OJ daily Posting average is way High as he is a S.Mod.

Good Luck Beating OJ

Side note: OJ also tried increasing his post count by copying his uploaders support thread x4 (he reached around 20k+) when he did, I deleted them. A bit sad of him to increase his post count that way.
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