Can't See New Threads/Posts

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Active Member
I just finished installing and importing my board on a new host, but I've noticed that I am not able to see or view any new posts. However, if I click "Refresh", then everything gets updated in that specific thread or forum. I have rebuilt and updated all information via Maintenance, and this problem occurs in all my skins so the skin cannot be the problem. It is quite annoying to press Refresh in every forum and thread I view, so I'm wondering if anyone knows what the cause to this problem is and if there are any ways to fix it.
Found out this is a Firefox issue as it works fine in IE. The views automatically update which in firefox it wasn't, I'll post here if I find out anymore ;)
I'm Admin m8, plus none of the new threads go into Moderation, it's like if you posted a new thread on here, once you've finished viewing it you click to go back to the forum you posted it on and normally you'd see it there at the top, well you have to refresh manually to see it but it works fine in IE:confused::confused:
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