cannot edit bank acc in webmoney

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after filling up my detail and save it , i got a formal passport on my Verification status , but when i try to add my bank account on the contact information , i got this :

Unfortunately access to certain sections at is temporary restricted for you, because you have chosen confirmations transactions with E-num service. Please follow to using E-num and this restriction will be removed. If you do not have access to your E-NUM account - restore it.

what is this , anyone know how to disable and fix this , pls help , thanks :(
i can't even edit my name and address and upload document too on the website browser and what is wmkeeper ,where to get it ,thanks
i can login to keeper classic now , thanks for your help hakunamatata , but i don't see there any way to add bank account or withdraw method ? so that mean i need a third party if i want to withdraw money from WM
if you are not from russia,you can not add your bank account to your wm account.
i'm not russian , so that mean i can only send and receive fund and cannot withdraw fund from it ,is it , ok thanks marhahajcs , btw how about LR ,are they the same like WM . can i add bank account on LR , as i hope to avoid exchanger if not necessary ,cos i don't really trust exchanger
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i'm not russian , so that mean i can only send and receive fund and cannot withdraw fund from it ,is it , ok thanks marhahajcs , btw how about LR ,are they the same like WM . can i add bank account on LR , as i hope to avoid exchanger if not necessary ,cos i don't really trust exchanger

its possible to withdraw to your bank
but it takes lot of process and time
i'm not russian , so that mean i can only send and receive fund and cannot withdraw fund from it ,is it , ok thanks marhahajcs , btw how about LR ,are they the same like WM . can i add bank account on LR , as i hope to avoid exchanger if not necessary ,cos i don't really trust exchanger

no u cant add bank in lr
i have add copy of my personal id and all information but i don't know how to request money from there. I have asked them and support always send me some links that i don't understaind... last time i got this whitout explanation inpay is a new e-commerce payment gateway for Online Bank payments does anyone know some "tuttorial for dummies" or something like that cause exchangers takes to high provision i don't want to use them anymore.
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