- cPanel, 10GB space, 50GB bandwidth from $3/month (Netherlands)

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Sir, now that you have bought buzzhost u need to take care of everything!! im still telling you guys - mutually decide and let me know in a day, better speak to forgiven once...

I can see my website is up. but a lot of errors appear, and when i enter cpanel and navigate to phpmyadmin, I got this error :

phpMyAdmin - Error
Cannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.

I wish after all transfer done everything will be ok ;) by the way, thanks krun!x for you hard work. ;)
My blog has no categories. Looks like either the categories data have not yet been restored or are completely lost. Thinking of having to updating thousands of posts really demoralize me. :(

Isn't funny that forgiven and Domenic didn't have any offsite backups but Krun!x DOES? :|

I thought you had realized there is NO such thing as magic backups that 3rd party takes for you out of nowhere, free of charge.

thanks my site is up. just asking, this new server located in us is allow warez linking?

No, the server is in the Netherlands. Only backups were in the USA.

Added after 16 minutes:

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Hi Guys ,

I firstly like to say sorry. Sorry it had to end like this. It has been a pleasure serving you all , and you have been great clients. Ray and I have been too stressed out with personal lives that we just cant run Buzzhost anymore. No data has been lost since we have off site backups. But I'll say that Krun!x is a great person and you will love him all. Enjoy Krun!x and dont be a fag to him :P. Anyways Have a good life. You may well see us in the long run. But it may be 2 - 3 years away.

Regards ,

Domeinc and Ray <3

i dont know buzzhost already taken by knownserv,
btw thanks for all ur support Dom:)
yeah down, but i can still ping my sites, IP was change

i already paid for share hosting on 4th may, should i pay you again for continue my account? its 7 day ago

please give me some explanation

Added after 44 minutes:

its up:)
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yeah down, but i can still ping my sites, IP was change

i already paid for share hosting on 4th may, should i pay you again for continue my account? its 7 day ago

please give me some explanation

Added after 44 minutes:

its up:)


Shared hosting won't change. BuzzHost WILL continue offering shared hosting as a separate brand. Your prices won't chance. Prices, billing and everything will stay the same.

If anyone has any issues please submit a support ticket.

You can thank to your old owners for hacking into your new server. They HAD access to WHMcs and DB passwords(as the move wasn't fully done). According to the logs, one of them(I won't mention which one publicly) logged into his old WHMcs accounts / database from the backup file) and accessed the server without password(because the server was added to WHMcs).

It's sad to see after everything we done for them, accepted to buy the clients, restored everyone someone could go so low to use his own access to do such a damage.

@Raymond - please keep your old staff in line. Once you sell the company you aren't supposed to give any information from old backups away, or forward clients to another company. Otherwise I will have to go to my bank and dispute your payment.

Please tell me why I would hack into my own clients sites? I worked hard to get them and I am not an asshole that would just wipe it
I didn't hack you at all. I am not that type of person. Most of you know me including you krun!x and you should kbwo iwould fuck someone over who bought me over

Also krun!x please post this ip that hacked you and ask a mod to see if it matches mine or domenic. I am 100 percent sure it won't because we did not hack you

One last thinf me our domenic have not logged on whmcs at aoll. The lsst time we were on it was the day buzzhost got compromised for the first time
Damn.. Why don't you all just forget about that hacking bullshit and actually bring back the sites of all those clients?

Forgiven, you know very well what we talked about last night, and you know who did this to KnownSRV and why, so best thing to do about it is to tell the truth.

[13:03] Raymond: krun8x showed me logs
[13:03] Raymond: of dom and casi talking
[13:04] Raymond: dom was saying don't do
[13:04] Raymond: but casi persisted
[13:04] Raymond: thts wht logs show
[13:04] GFY: ok ok
[13:04] GFY: you told me a different thing last night
[13:04] Raymond: I was jk last night lulz
[13:04] Raymond: I make up sht all the time
[13:05] Raymond: and also me and dom r noob hackers man
[13:05] Raymond: best we can do is an sql injectiom following a tut
[13:08] Raymond: k?
[13:08] GFY: ok
[13:09] Raymond: m k
[13:10] Raymond: dlelete ur reply then?

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Damn.. Why don't you all just forget about that hacking bullshit and actually bring back the sites of all those clients?

Clients are already restored.

Forgiven, you know very well what we talked about last night, and you know who did this to KnownSRV and why, so best thing to do about it is to tell the truth.

It has nothing to do with KnownSRV, it's a separate brand, separate server and separate everything. After further investigation Domenic and raymond weren't involved in this. However, Domenic re-used the password for WHMcs which allowed the attacker to gain access.

EDIT: Reported to be closed and cleared.
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