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System Idle Process is causing a lot of CPU usage. Does anyone have experience how to kill that process?


Guys, I'm a human. You guys just created two pages in this thread in 3 minutes and over four pages in less than a day.

@kovic, with all due respect, you're being a dick. I also work as much as I can. I stay up 5-6 hours a day just for this but who the heck care what keeps me busy as long as you guys have want you want right? If you don't have what you want, you just go ahead and open Paypal dispute then escalate it. You're just being ignorant. This is not good for future business.

PS : I'm continue checking the security check now.


I already apologized, LEVAC. Sorry again. I canceled my claim with PayPal. I'll just wait until you fix the server (s01 is not working again). As I said many times before it's the best RDP one can find.

Do not worry about that process at all. That is normal, in fact when that usage is in the top 95%+ that is good. Look it up online. I know what you mean by everything else "not working". I though it was the same thing too but your CPU and RAM is probably good enough but the amount of files that are going through your drives aren't going fast enough to keep up which is why some of your users are getting slow (rar/unrar) speeds. Doesn't have to do nothing with RAM or CPU. Focus on the HDD now (you and many others) avoid it or simply don't pay much attention to it.

I am aware that you use RAID0 already but try to put it on a hardware controller things will run much smoother for you. Also ask for some cache on it 512mb - 1gb. This is very important. I hope once you get this you will stop having problems but with SATA your playing risks unless they are top brand.

I didn't want to put my 2c in but you asked for public help.
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