Other BuyRDP.com - NL350 plans,350GB HDD, 16GB RAM, 1Gbit, starting just 22 USD/mo(NL)

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12.6 GB RAM in used in server .105 . The RDP has been nothing but very slow, unresponsive and very laggy lately. I'm really disappointed by your service. How am I suppose to work on this kind of RDP?
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At present, we have been monitoring for past 30 minutes, its max at 10% CPU , with 5GB RAM and 12% network usage.

Well due to the fact that i have only received complaint from you on .105 in past 48 hours, I am going to move your slot to a brand new server.

I hope the air is better there for you.
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Intense can you take a look at xx.xx.139.203 server?

PEOPLE ARE FORCING ME TO PUT THE RDP Slots on AUTOLOG off, i am sending a mass email soon for the same, if any of the user is still leaving his FIREFOX open , i am going to put you on autopilot..
Then do not blame me.

This is solved now.
Here again intense looks like the people doing this need to be banned , we the old members are not getting full performance now


take a notice please
Can´t understand why you dont let others upload, you´re on a shared server, dont forget it.

If one client is using 100% of network for more than 3-4 hours i understand you could submit a ticket, but if you complain for 50-60% of net usage for 10-15 mins.... :facepalm:

I´ve used a lot of RDP and understand perfectly that lags and outages are a shame, but the resources are shared, the quality of them will vary (Good or bad) depending of the management of server admins 8-)
No need to push things hard, we have got more staff in buyrdp monitoring servers even before you guys are logging screenshots to us.

I am myself monitoring things and slapping bans on guys found abusing by multiple filezilla instances pushing 99% network.

A mass email will follow up soon with strict rules coz i do not want to loose my network of NL servers to guys willing to abuse resources at their own will.

I´m totally agree with these methods intensecool, in fact i was your client the past month and was very satisfied overall with the service, i´m not complaining here about your support which i consider more than good.

I just wanna show that some users complain innecessarily even when nobody is abusing the server. Anyway i think if all want to see our RDP running well we have to be liable and use the resources in the good way.

Have a good day! I´ll get a 500GB slice in the next batch :sun:
This is the only thing which is missing at present, people do not want to trust that their apps can abuse things, all they care is someone else is abusing.

Although i am fed up of logging off people who even do not care to close their mozilla, IE when disconnected and those apps suck GIGS of RAM sucking resources and when we kill the session, they come and say "" you logged us off "".

This is why we are making a FAQ website and logging mass email tomorrow.
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