Other BuyRDP.com - NL350 plans,350GB HDD, 16GB RAM, 1Gbit, starting just 22 USD/mo(NL)

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That's not good, I'll have to request a refund then. :facepalm:
Please give me a refund, it's within 24 hours and I have a valid reason. The invoice number is in the above post. You will make $1.53 in the service fee from me right? It would be good if I could get that refunded as well because the server hasn't been set up yet. You have no right to charge the service fee from me. Thanks for understanding, I need the RDP right away that is why.

I did not say the server is not setup yet, i said my NL servers are full atm, if i give you slots forcefully you will not get the performance and then i will get complaints from you and others and do not worry i am not going to take your money or fee and sit back.
Gimme 2 hours let me see if some slot gets free today, we will allot the first to you.

Ok, sorry if I'm impatient. You have great reviews and people vouching for you. The thing is that I'm a newbie and want to mess around with the RDP during the weekend while I have time.
2 hours is way past. Could you tell me when I will receive it if I'm going to get it at all? This is making me very fustrated. I want your service but only if it is good.

Update: I see my service is sheduled for 5/09/11. I bought it on 5/05/11. It takes four days for you to make any changes to your server? How do you offer quality support if you are that slow. I am not happy with the way things are right now. You make false promises and don't deliver on time.
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I told you 2 hours to check if any past slots gets empty but none of the slots went off.
Every client is renewing so i did not get any any slots and this is why can't give it to you.

I am not making any changes on the server, i am getting a new server not to overload the clients..
Your dates will be changed and you will be renewed on new dates only, you will not loose the dates.
I'd like an refund anyways because I've already ordered from InstantRDP.com. They gave me a live demo and good support.
Hmm i feel sad because it's like a slap in the face for old customers who have been paying 24$ monthly, now the price is still there, no discounts...:(
I wait now since 3 Days, Firefox and IDM are unuseable on your RDP Service i have written a Ticket but you have only reboot it...

Please clear this Errors i want to use the Service which i paid!!
Firefox and IDM combo package is just unusable ONLY on your slot, i confirmed its working on my end as admin and for other clients too, i have verified it from clients.

Is it possible for you to move to a new slot..??
Please confirm.
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