BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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Some rates can go up, for some countries down. It's the new owner's choice, I don't know. The new owner want to inject a lot of money in this website, so ...maybe the rates will go up.
Some rates can go up, for some countries down. It's the new owner's choice, I don't know. The new owner want to inject a lot of money in this website, so ...maybe the rates will go up.
Please change Plan for Premium member,ex:for 1 month 9 euro :d minim
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I hope that also free users download speed limit will be increase at least 200 kb/s 8-) And when do you think that the new site with new rates will be ready ?


Daily revenue is 1.000$+adds and price is only 5.000$.
Just for 5 days investment is re-payed....LOL

How much you suppose to be stupid to fall on this lie......if for no one else reason they are SCAM because of this.

Daily revenue is 1.000$+adds and price is only 5.000$.
Just for 5 days investment is re-payed....LOL

How much you suppose to be stupid to fall on this lie......if for no one else reason they are SCAM because of this.

The website was not sold for 5000$. Look at the auction. Is says there "NOT SOLD". The new owner is not from Flippa.
If your daily income is 1,000$+adds offers suppose to starts from 30.000$ not 5.000$

But apparently daily income is much lower than 1,000$ which means that you lied.....and some naive guy (sucker) believed to you.

I don't believe in bright future for this host.

Willy certainly didn't buy this!

This sailing towards - "This thread is closed at owner's request" :-)
Hi BulletUpload affiliates and users,

We want to let you know that our webhost has a new owner and he will make a lot of changes to the website.
The affiliate program will be suspended until all the changes will be done and the new website will be ready.
You can all request your payouts from now on until friday. The affiliate program with the new website/logo will be back ASAP.
We think until the next week. You will get all your earned money until then. Also you need to know that bulletupload will not be closed and you can use the website all this period of time.

Kind Regards,

so this means that you will keep counting downloads until then or will start counting after that?

how much space do you allow to free users?

you pay only by paypal?
add alertpay atleast !!!
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People like you really should banned here.

Never read a whole page of a thread, no directly LAST PAGE, Quickly Reply.

And then asking bescheuerte Questions which already answered.
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