BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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why no reply to these questions....!!!

1. the 400MB limitation will be raised in a couple of days.
2. in the time we worked on the servers we disabled the request payout limit so he requested 2$. it was our fault so we didn't rejected the payment
3. we are working on this issue right now
We are working on the speed issue right now, please be patience,until tomorrow morning everything will be ok.


Hopefully it gets fixed tomorrow. I'm currently migrating iles from my previous file host & it's very important that the upload feature doesn't behave erratically.
Tip : "When are your files deleted ? " = 60 days after last download, it would be better if they are never deleted at least for premium users B-)
A question : what's free users speed limit ?
U giving 49 GB Space for Uploader its not enough :facepalm:
Make 500 GB or Unlimited :)

Oh Man, everytime this crying about space. To upgrade to premium cost you 4 $ with earned money, so earn this and upgrade.

I hate uploaders which only want earn, earn, earn but not pay a penny.
yea you need alertpay and i will join.
i got over 1600 files and on my last host i was getting over 4000 downloads a day + premuim accounts
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