BTC Savings Account - Earn interest on your BTC

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Mind Freak™

Active Member
What is a Savings Account ? and Interest on It?

A Savings Account is basically an account with an financial institute where you can save your Fiat or e-currency like I am mentioning here and spend it at your ease and maybe even earn interest out if it.

So basically what I am here there is a Savings Account available on the internet where you can store away your extra BTC and earn interest out of it and no I ain't kidding about it. Apparently a company Delta from HongKong and Canada rebranded the trading platform into a Trading + Savings platform i.e

So is a website where you can deposit your bitcoins and Earn upto 2.18% AER interest out of it. If you see that the market has risen you can withdraw your BTC and use their own trading platform to earn even more out of the currency.

So basically its all in one savings + earning solution for your BTC storage and usage.

Ofc there are fees involved in trading here and their but better earn some interest rather than bearing some loss ain't it

Will love to see your comments and views regarding the website and maybe learn more about some other sites via you do post it out below

The Website Url :

And no i don't endorse the website i am just using the website so thought would share it use it at your own risk :)
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I have heard about bitcoin loaning websites out there but haven't heard about savings account kind of websites. I have some bitcoins that I can earn some interest on. Has anybody used this website before?
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