- High speeds & High rates - Official Support Thread

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What min threshold?? Who will work wid him to reach $50? Trusting him again? He is bound to pay whatever is in our accounts, I'm posting my earnings screenshot, I know he will remove it very soon

So are you going out of business and just paying users for their efforts? Can premium members get a refund for time not used in the premium membership? And if your staying in business, can you extend premium users accounts for the amount of time you are down?
And those who want to work with you because they no longer have trust, they do not have 50$ they lose their money!

Those who no longer want work with you should be paid, it is not their fault if they did not reach 50$.

And weeks of lost premiums, they will be compensated?
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I don't trust any host having a minimum payout higher than $10. They either f*ck you when you reach $50 ('you shared warez , you naughty boy!') or hope you give up before you reach that.

And $15 high? Hugefiles has a similar payout table but goes upto $50 (per 10,000). And they offer fast download speeds and no jerking for free users.
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The site is down for several weeks and we have no information. Really bad support :thumbdown:

I think we will never see again this guy and money..
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