Brexit: Should Britain leave the Euro Zone?

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I think you're confused. Britain is in the European Union. The EuroZone are the countries that use the Euro. And I do think Britain should leave the EU because they are contributing more than their fair share. The best European countries aren't in the EU (Norway, Switzerland etc.)
I think they should as the EU is a good idea but how it was setup was deeply flawed. Why should non-elected officials in other countries have finally say over what a citizen can and can not do. That is just a recipe for disaster.
This can soon escalate to more of an argument than a debate..
Everyone has their own opinions on the matter, And mine is that we should leave.. Too long has England been run by EU laws.. Causing to much controversy.
But it will all come out soon enough what happens, The problem i have, It is expected to take 15 months minimum for us to leave and be on our "feet" anyway..
EU laws are not really the reason why British people want to leave. They are pretty much the same. The real problem has appeared after the Syrian wave of immigrants and regardless how tolerant the British claim to be, and they do not want more people sucking up the economy of the country. As a rational human being, despite the fact that I am also a European immigrant in the UK, I believe the UK should leave the union as it's forcing Britain together with many other countries to show tolerance to badly designed laws for freedom around the union.
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