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Honestly no one cares, But bi.


see ya, and off topic, why dont you guys bash on me for awhile, so maybe the new guys will join in more and not be afraid of getting beat down every time they try to post.
see ya, and off topic, why dont you guys bash on me for awhile, so maybe the new guys will join in more and not be afraid of getting beat down every time they try to post.

Well maybe they wouldn't get beat down if they stopped making accounts just to post a few insignificant things and then come up with some major news update that they are leaving.

It would be a different story if someone like you, lokiloki, or even someone like eliteelio decided to leave. I'm sure everyone would care and be curious as to why you are leaving, because I would definitely be curious. But when someone is practically unknown, there is not even a point in announcing the fact that you will no longer participate on a forum.

For example, if I were to discontinue using this forum, I wouldn't make a thread about it, as I am insignificant. At the most, I would PM the few friends I have made from being a member of this board or post a simple message in my signature with something like "I no longer use WJunction. Bye."
Well maybe they wouldn't get beat down if they stopped making accounts just to post a few insignificant things and then come up with some major news update that they are leaving.

It would be a different story if someone like you, lokiloki, or even someone like eliteelio decided to leave. I'm sure everyone would care and be curious as to why you are leaving, because I would definitely be curious. But when someone is practically unknown, there is not even a point in announcing the fact that you will no longer participate on a forum.

For example, if I were to discontinue using this forum, I wouldn't make a thread about it, as I am insignificant. At the most, I would PM the few friends I have made from being a member of this board or post a simple message in my signature with something like "I no longer use WJunction. Bye."

I agree with all that waffle lol. all waqar came here to do was advertise his site. He's had around 4+ infractions lol. Anyways cya in a few days waqar :)
You guys are mean lmao.
He just wanted to say Bye because he loves this community and its members.
Well, Bye have fun wherever you are going.
Ak47;50079 [url said:[/url]

I actually laughed at the one, 8-)

Farewell waqar and please do not create a thread if you leave for 2/3 days, when you decide to leave WJunction for good then that maybe an exception.
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