Body Building

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BBing should be about aesthetics and symmetry not who's body can handle the most anabolics and pharmaceuticals . Youtube "Jay cutler in Costco" hes in the 2nd picture above, he is out of breath just walking from the car into costco.
BBing should be about aesthetics and symmetry not who's body can handle the most anabolics and pharmaceuticals . Youtube "Jay cutler in Costco" hes in the 2nd picture above, he is out of breath just walking from the car into costco. hes not out of breath? X-(


....on a real note...BB is an art and takes a lot of each their own :sun:
What I hate about BB is that most people use steroids. But I love the lifestyle if you can dedicate yourself in a frank and honest way. I try, but it takes so fucking much self-discipline and other crap that I never ever will be able to achieve. I will continue, regardless, and hope for more good results in the years to come.
I'm a 17 year old natural bodybuilder myself. Steroids seriously ruin everything. It's realy easy to get them and i think steroids are for losers that don't have the patient to become "big".
the old bodybuilders from the 70s and 80s where the best like frank zane franco arnie serg lou . then it all strarted to go wrong when tom platz come on the scene with his massive legs then bb was all about size and not how good they look
Eventually nanotechnology will make it much easier to get that large (the 2050 pic). Especially with cell regeneration.
Arnold's body became a mess nowadays.



It's cause he is getting older, when you get old you start losing your muscle,
your metabolic rate get's slower.

---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:58 AM ----------

What I hate about BB is that most people use steroids. But I love the lifestyle if you can dedicate yourself in a frank and honest way. I try, but it takes so fucking much self-discipline and other crap that I never ever will be able to achieve. I will continue, regardless, and hope for more good results in the years to come.

Taking steroids won't get you big in a day, you still have to work hard.
It will help you achieve your goal faster.
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