Selling BluEVO Premium vBulletin Skin by

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Active Member

Stock Skin (No Javascript) = $25
Stock Skin + Javascript = $30
Copyright/Backlink Removal = +$40 to Total
Custom Color = +$10 to Total
Custom Banner = +$20 to Total
Skin Contents

After you have bought the skin you are not allowed to resell it or claim it as your own.

BluEVO (No Javascript)
BluEVO + Javascript

Update Information:
We care about the skins we make so if I'm not 100% satisfied with an aspect of the skin I may decide to update it. I may also decide to update the CSS to CSS3 once everybody starts using updated browsers. :P I will also accept requests to change or update/fix parts of the skin from buyers and the community if it seems like it will improve the way the skin looks by everybody. Please don't confuse the requests with a request for custom graphics if that makes any sense.

Payment via Paypal Only

Contact me by sending me a WJunction Private Message
now that banner size 10th part of old banner. Nice work ;) This skin is really gr8 :)

And would we get PSD of banner so that we can change the initials in between of banner?
Just a tip.
Copyright/Backlink Removal = +$5 to Total

I would remove that option if i where you, or atleast make it super-expensive. (until you get popular)
Have you set a limit on the number of times you will sell this skin?
Will we get the logo psd?

+ I agree with maniac_ to make the copyright removal expensive.
Have you set a limit on the number of times you will sell this skin?
Will we get the logo psd?

+ I agree with maniac_ to make the copyright removal expensive.

You'll get a psd of 2 banners minus the art behind it because the original creator of the banner's comp died with the PSD's on it.
I've placed some matching text that you can use to write your site name.

Copyright link made for $40 too if that seems reasonable because I have no idea.
You'll get a psd of 2 banners minus the art behind it because the original creator of the banner's comp died with the PSD's on it.
I've placed some matching text that you can use to write your site name.

Copyright link made for $40 too if that seems reasonable because I have no idea.
Could you include the forum icon psd's too? Not a big deal, it would just be easier.
How many times will you sell this skin?

PM me your paypal address ;)
I've added an image of what the skin includes if you buy the javascript version.
If conditions added ><" I fixed them in one of the many testing copies I made to fix that javascript bug. I'll fix it asap. :)
I added the if conditions back in.
I think I'm selling unlimited copies. I never actually planned out this whole sale idea properly.
Awesome skin, just go and buy it now.

I loved Exel's support and he sent me new update very soon.

Really cool and nice work and guys should really buy to make you site look more attractive than before.

I bet no one has felt so good after getting such a beutiful skin.
I am quite impressed with this skin. I would seriously recommend this if you are starting a new forum or want to revitalize your current.
I beleive more people would be intrested simply because a lot of people are changing to vB4 if you do how ever learn vB4 im in need of some one to do some work for :)
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