Blue Screen Error

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i keep getting a blue screen and my pc keeps crashing fml - Its annoying the brakes off me - any idea ?


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lol this is the blue screen of death :P

u are lucky that the pc is yet starting, otherwise it would not start and just keep showing u the blue screen.

it must be that u must have added a new hardware or a hardware is conflicting with the operating system.

Or how about format the machine :P or degrade to the best windows ever xp or use linux :P
lol im just showing what i got after windows randomly shutdown and presented me with a blue screen, the question is, is anyone else experiencing this kind of thing atm so far i know of 5 people on msn with the same problem, and if so can anyone explain the cause why this could happen
Open up the Start Menu and right-click on Computer, and then select Properties.

This will take you into the System area of Control Panel. Click on the System Protection link on the left hand side.

Now select the System Protection tab and click ''System Restore''.
And pick an earlier point in time. (before you did some recent changes / before your windows started crashing)

I give no guarantee this will work for you. But you can at least
give it a go since it might fix your problems.
Did vista update recently? Try going back to before the update if it did, and put all updates on manual or notification status. They tend to fuck up.

Switch to 7.

This is RAM error,


change the ram,
sometimes depending on how far it will boot and what version of windows it is. You can hit the F8 key as it is first starting up and get into safe mode. From there you can get into "My Computer" and right click on the "c" select the tools tab and do a defrag and schedule a disk check - check both boxes in disk check - one says "check for errors" the other one say "attempt to repair" This will fix it about 60% of the time!!! Good Luck!!!!

If you are not comfortable, unplugging and re-installing hardware in your PC, this may be a good time to have a technician look at it.
However, if you have ruled out a hardware issue, then you will need to start up your PC in safe mode. The first thing you should try in safe mode is a virus check and spyware scan of your entire system. If anything was found, eliminated the problem then try to restart Windows XP again in normal mode.
If nothing showed up on the scans, then boot up again in safe mode and use the built in system restore utility. When running your system in safe mode, you can still access all the recent restore points created by the system restore utility. Run your system from the last known ‘good configuration’. On the other hand, if you know a recent software installation is the cause, then restore to the point created at that date.

EDIT: My suggestion is to switch to windows se7en, it wont dump ur ram.
most likely an overheat. blow all the dust away from the CPU cooler. Software fuck-ups very rarely result in a BSOD.

System restore can lick my ass. Its a crock o shit.
Its happening again after i reinstalled my OS following error(s):




:( any idea or help ?
I was having the same problem . Only 2 solution

Better dont take both

1) Change ur ram , Hard drive , mother board .
2) Change ur system (keep the moniter if u like it)

This issue is because minor problem in the hardware .
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