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im still waiting for the activation email - have you disabled registering ? - " Can't exec: Column 'usr_id' cannot be null at Modules/ line 55."
Ok but why was i banned ?

Is it because my ip change every time i start computer ?

My internet provider is true adsl = no stady ip
I have problems, it has happened to me 2 times:

Yesterday in my main balance goes to $ 4.30 and I had this morning under a $ 3.70 ... that's what happens?? as I said before is not the first time?? in any hosting happens ... are not altering profits?? I'm putting all the effort to please ... hope no black hand on revenue ...

Another point I want to see my statistics last month to check my balance and so to claim with evidence .... but can not is a mistake that must be solved immediately .......

User: jaimito90
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