what happened to my Premium user; I don't see the P next to there name?
what happened to my Premium user; I don't see the P next to there name?
scam host, see above how they're going to fuck with uploaders, you'll have a great laugh.
so where is my payment?
still pending?
I don't know why they do this; I was getting paid every week and my user were happy now they getting pissed cause they got cheated on the premium!
Could you just tell me why still PENDING??
my ID: nick8487
Date Amount Status
2014-05-30 $10.26 PENDING
[TABLE="class: table, width: 100%"]
If you can't pay the payment properly time why always putting joke announcement?
and this thread have 2 support but still worse than fileom,1 person he answer every question,you have 2 person but ignore our upload problem,u know the ftp always can't login?the fucking problem say us incorrect login and password?
We are sorry for any inconvenience but we try our best to provide support. The upload problem was addressed to technical team
this hoster is fail
Sorry to hear any suggestions in improvements?
1. Still can't use ftp. I am sure that my password is correct
2. Please add long link feature asap
https://www.bl.st/8fnk1bhq8bag ==> https://www.bl.st/8fnk1bhq8bag/File.Name.rar
It's a must have function.
It helps posters add the right links to the posts more easy and quick
If I upload hundreds of file then export links to txt file, I can't identify what is the right links for each post without filename on URL
Hi, I like your filehost. Can you upgrade my account to premium, I'am a partner PPS. Thanks!
My username: Ptuaztran
Upgraded! Enjoy
Best regards,
@ blastsupport.........check your pm please.......
This new rule is stupid bl.st is trash now.
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Do we need a sale every week or just once?
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S5 using Tapatalk
[TABLE="class: Table, width: 100%"]
So we need a sale every month?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm afraid you will not pay us.
thanks for the payment! I hate the fact that you automatically put us in PPS mode instead of PPD if were not making any premium sales for you; good luck with your services; it was fun while it lasted!
Added after 3 minutes:
if you can give me my last payout that would be greatful otherwise it not worry!