BitShare Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

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so now they are banning accounts with huge payout pending?
my pending payout is less then 500. i am slowly decreasing upload to this host.
hopefully i get all the payout before i am ban. :))
" waitshare" reality:

- waiting since 3 months for 3 payments ..

- waiting since many hours for moving a little ftp upload to files ..
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I'm having this problem, too when I upload with FTP the files just never appear in my bitshare account, that's happening with you too?

Added after 4 minutes:

Cannot upload any file today (FTP, remote, website). Anyone else have the same problem?

I'm having this problem too, when I upload with FTP the files just never appear in my bitshare account, that's happening with you too?
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Cannot upload any file today (FTP, remote, website). Anyone else have the same problem?

I'm having this problem too, when I upload with FTP the files just never appear in my bitshare account, that's happening with you too friend?

Added after 1 Day 7 Hours:

FTP still not working for everyone?

FTP still not working for everyone?

Added after 2 minutes:

FTP not working, please fix

FTP not working, please fix,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Added after 1 36 minutes:

Is ftp working for anyone?
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