BitShare Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

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Lol...suddenly i remember old FSo time, when you are in PPS, no sales, then when you turned to PPD, you got sales.
It happened again with Two times in last 2 weeks.
They are now down for almost 7 hours, but I am monitoring them for a longer time and there have been such downtimes earlier, last time they were down for long on 2013-01-14 for more than 15 hours:
My payout also says that it's completed, but it's almost 2 weeks & I still haven't received anything yet on my Webmoney account. WTF?
^^ Did you write to support? Tried also via facebook? Do you have added the right purse ID starting with Z... or your email address? December, 7th should be paid already since 2 weeks or so.
I know Bitshare will pay. They always do. It is odd that payments marked "Completed" are sitting for more than two days, though. Very unlike them.
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