bravesoldier: There is a bank delay. Stop creating stories here. Just stay patient or leave our service. Dont spam this thread.
Sorry if you think i'm creating stories.
And you don't have to rude like that, told every affiliates to leave your service everytime we post and ask about something and you don't like that. Members post based on situation, not by creating stories.
treat your affiliate as partner who work and create money for both side, one post from me and you said i'm spamming....? It's the first time i asked about payment, and that's for payment request on 28th May 2012, because others have post there's delay in Paypal, you not allowed me to worry....? FYI, i never worry about delay because i know you always pay ( that's why i trust your service

), i just want to know what's going on, that's all, you can see one of my post here :
Paypal Payment received, over 24 hours after completed.
Maybe Paypal take longer time to process on Weekend.
And please read my post again I used the word
if, and saying : hope whatever the problem can be solved ASAP, i'm still waiting payment to my Paypal account. Thanks
Which part of my post saying bad thing about bitshare or spamming...? Even there's delay i still wishing for the problems to get fix ASAP.
You can Read all my post in this thread, even when others saying bad things, i still believe your service and always stay positive. And i believe other members who regularly visit this thread can see if i never saying bad things about bitshare.
I don't get it, why you treat me like that....? :O:O:O
I really hope this misunderstanding never happen again, and hope you can understand that i need to make reply as clarification. Ok, now i better focus on posting. Thanks.