bitshare will you ever implemt a weekly pay
Dear sir!
I purchased your premium for 1 months be 9.99$ through Paypal but your system didn't update my account, so I purchased it again. and I paid you 19.98$ Paypal. My account actived.
but now my account only get 1 month which not for 2 months ? so please update my account for 2 months because I paid you 2 transaction. thanks sir!
My account: nguienu
Since you guys wanna jerk me around, here is more proof that bitshare does NOT PAY RE-BILLS! If you guys want more proof then this I don't know what to tell you, I can't believe you fools are still using this service when all they do is lie to you, thank god I switched when I did. Hey bitshare so you pay re-bills huh? What you gotta say about these stats, here's 2 weeks from April 7th- April 20th, and then the stats from May 7th- May 20th, LIARS, SCAMMERS, you guys are suckers if you still use them. There is a great reason why there is no statistic for re-bills and they refuse to put one up, it's because THEY DON'T PAY THEM!!!!!
I get rejected too, and that money don't come back to bank balance!!! Where my money come????
account: kanbit
status complete but where my money in webmoney! i dont received my payment!
check PM (i cant send my message)
Dear sir!
I purchased your premium for 1 months be 9.99$ through Paypal but your system didn't update my account, so I purchased it again. and I paid you 19.98$ Paypal. My account actived.
but now my account only get 1 month which not for 2 months ? so please update my account for 2 months because I paid you 2 transaction. thanks sir!
My account: nguienu
Hello bitshare!
nguienu: We already answer you.
Hi guys,
yesterday I had a shock when I saw that ad for the DMCA's gone. Is this just temporary or forever?
If forever, there is an alternative? It is impossible to look up more if all files are present.
kind regards
hurz: We cleaned it for all.