BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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Still no replay about my payment 4 weeks ago .. Bithsare you said you will check but i didnt get any reply. I sent 4 emails on bitshare site so far about my problem but still no answer ?

webmoney told me that "It is impossible to send funds to WMID, some one who try to do that would receive "Incorrect purse number" error" so money must be still in your purse, can you please check

Please 345$ means nothing to Bitshare but for me it means much what i earned ... please check.... :(

my username is:jonzy000 ... thank you
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Can someone explain for me about the DIRECT DOWNLOADs in BITSHARE ?

What is this and do we still get money from the direct download ? :(
Direct download is a feature for premium users.. You can not set your files to be downloaded directly.. Anyone with premium account can download files directly..
I still didn't get my money yet!!! request on the 28th on PAYPAL..
It day number 8 now and it still "In queue" Is something wrong with my account or just delay payment?? Bitshare???

Anybody requested the 3/28 just like me?? Bitshare check please!!

Plus no used to PM you here because last time I send PM + Support about I registered my 2nd account without my own referral link but it will still shown as ref. to my 1st account because i didn't delete cookie. So i sent message to let them know that is an accident without i do anything on my 2nd yet. After uploaded 3 files then i realize it show as a ref. on my 1st account so i delete them all and log out and send Bitshare support to let them know this whole thing and go head delete my 2nd account or make my second one not ref. to my 1st one so i still can use it. but nothing reply from them at all........................I Kno you must be busy cuz of many many uploader ask too many Q. but for the important Q. like this why you guy ignore and not answer???? Then why u have a SUPPORT BUTTON on anyone account since you not gonna answer them anyway??????????
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Em A C.E.O.: Wait at least 7 business days! If you do referral faking, you will get termination.

chicoes: Where you get we have problems with payments?

special1: Contact us, we have that.
I still didn't get my money yet!!! request on the 28th on PAYPAL..
It day number 8 now and it still "In queue" Is something wrong with my account or just delay payment?? Bitshare???

Anybody requested the 3/28 just like me?? Bitshare check please!!

Plus no used to PM you here because last time I send PM + Support about I registered my 2nd account without my own referral link but it will still shown as ref. to my 1st account because i didn't delete cookie. So i sent message to let them know that is an accident without i do anything on my 2nd yet. After uploaded 3 files then i realize it show as a ref. on my 1st account so i delete them all and log out and send Bitshare support to let them know this whole thing and go head delete my 2nd account or make my second one not ref. to my 1st one so i still can use it. but nothing reply from them at all........................I Kno you must be busy cuz of many many uploader ask too many Q. but for the important Q. like this why you guy ignore and not answer???? Then why u have a SUPPORT BUTTON on anyone account since you not gonna answer them anyway??????????

They said the payment would be done at the end of this week. Don't worry, mate ! Bitshare always pays !

Btw, is the ranking checked daily ?
@ Em A C.E.O., This coming Friday, 06 April is the 7th business day for your 28 Mar payout request. Why don't you just wait till Friday? If they don't pay by then you can go to town and scream scam.
Em A C.E.O.: Wait at least 7 business days! If you do referral faking, you will get termination.

chicoes: Where you get we have problems with payments?

special1: Contact us, we have that.

Yeah go head and check!! beside i can read english!!!. i read FAQ page and it said i can have my second account so i wanna another one PPD i didn't used my ref. link to register. i go to new window and type in by my hand "" like this but it end up on my first acc. ref. so i come in here and tell the story and people in here said because of i didn't delete my cookie something like that. So in that minute i sent you support to let you know this is an accident and plus my second acc. havn't make a cent yet. just uploaded 3 files and realize it so i delete it all. Do you even read my ticket that i sent thu support??? that why no one reply me anything!!

Here is a evidence it on page 166 this is the link$45-1000-downloads-166.htm

+I sent U PM on here in WJ but not even 1 letter back from you Mr.Bitshare!!!!!!!
Sorry I must be blind but I opted for ranked PPS plan and I can't see what my rank is... Where can I see that info ?

ATM, my account details say PPS 60% and that's it... :'(
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