BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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You KUPAL Bitshare!

We are currently replacing some important things so site can run faster in the future.
Really, you have been saying this ever since the world began.

We are currently working on our site, several changes. Dont worry, its done soon.
Everbody is worrying whenever you say "don't worry", you understand that?

Sales are counted without any problems. And everything is solved too.
Tell that to the marines! Even toddler knows better math than you do!

So you want my username? LOL, in your dreams!

I am using different filehost, not yours anymore though.
I already banned you and take these nasty words, you KUPAL BITSHARE!

anyone could help? i changed my affiliate model from "pay per sale" to " pay per download" last night, and now i want to change it back and it wont save my new settings. its stuck on "pay per download". why? please help.
In mY account Setting

Any One Getting 85% from each sale ??? i am getting only 60% :facepalm: while the title show 85% =)

up to 85% not fixed 85% .... :facepalm: ... it depend on your rank ... if u have rank platium + buy from your own website +5% u will get 90% ... OMG ... i never think about this yet
Easter Holidays not giving sales for me, maybe peoples rarely online that days :)), hope can get better results this week.

Hmm... i must be have bad luck, no sales in last 1 week, but i see download stats increased.

Post and visitors increase, so this situation really strange. Hope there's improvement after this. Of course no sales in last 1 week really strange situation for me. If i'm not doing anything i can understand, but since i'm still posting 2 - 3 times / day, i hope i can get better result.

And ok,not only me, but my visitors have noticed that lately Bitshare have good improvement, so keep your improvement Bitshare. :)
Some files don't count,always "0" and some files less counting...Today.
i thought my member can't download them,so i test.
But i can download it,,i am Premium on
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