BitShare discussion thread

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PP as payment option is back.

And they still used PP after all troubles...? :facepalm: news about PP pending payment from early June, at least they can put something in their news page,, so affiliates will always update, not only mark as completed in payment pages but no money in PP.... yet ;). Will be good if they can provide cancel button for that.
Screw Bitshare!

I made that host over $1200 on premium sales and they find it hard to still to this day pay me $100 they owe me. Some people are just sad and need to go to jail for business fraud.
True, cancel button for already requested but and not mark as completed.

But for all problematic PP payments on Early June that mark as completed ( while in reality, the money haven't send in Paypal account ), there's no option for cancel, and no update info about that. I think they need to more cooperative and more informative with their affiliates. Affiliates who spread their links, affiliates need host, and host need affiliates too. If we need to wait, for how long...? i think affiliates already understand the situation, and have waited for months, so for fair, they need to give more specific news and solution for that issue, not only expected affiliates must understand and accepted the situation.
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I've filed complaints against Bitshare for business fraud to the FBI. I'm not messing around with these con artists anymore. If they want to waste people's time and earn tons of money off people's files who waste their time for months at a time then make some bogus DMCA claims why they won't pay you what they owe you then that is business fraud. They and many others who want to run this type of screw over affiliates business model intentionally then they'll suffer the same fate of Megaupload.

I don't take kindly to people screwing me over intentionally.
@ Stooky you deserve maybe a ban ... I see your comments, go out dude. Go and report everybody, maybe you are that asshole who give informations of filehosting payment accounts to stopfilelockers, dont use bitshare if you was screw, I begin to recive payments from them like many others, go and report your self on CIA !
your job is crappy dude. bitshare is the best file storage host, i don't remember i lost any of my files uploaded which is not case with others especially damn filefactory and uploaded always server on maintenace
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