Active Member
Dont ask if there is a problem with payment. cuz you might see this:

WDF you are a moderator, not a person against a website, so please Let us to feel that you are still a Moderator and not a person who want some sites to be down, I understand the point of mass baning about payment spam , wasnt so fear, yea but Bitshare still a good website, who pay and have a good honestly, even with these errors of comunications and answers empty about pending payments... I still trust Bitshare, and I will never Let it.
I think is a lesson for all uploaders that in now times, nothing is reliable, everyone is making now a website and promote it on this forum, and you Let them here , you should make some big rulls , about 3 months old website, about names, payments proof, because I am booring to see childrens making websites and run in one month.
We all know that are over 30 sites owned by the same person, and trying to stole every day, well bitshare maybe made mistakes, but dosent mean that he must be banned, anyway maybe is better to not speak about big websites, about payment, and maybe in this way nobody will open here a topic, because will be afraid of black eyes that we all know , that they are waiting for all details to report on paypal/payza after they upload porn child and others shits.
I want to say that even that people who get banned, I believe not 100% sure, but I believe that they recive their payments and also I can say that I recive some payments from June.... not very fast, but at least is sure that will not run and become a scam, will still be a honest website, this is my opinion.
WDF, a little after this post I got payment.
I want to thank you and all of the mods that stood up for us small guys. We might not be the powerhouse uploaders but you gave us a voice. Again thank you.
Do you really know why he was banned?
Has he been telling you stories?
Is he posting more PM screen shots or is he now posting screen shots from JC?
Do you know how many rules he actually broke or what rules he actually broke?
You like to post your opinion so post the answers to the questions I just asked and let everyone decide how much you actually know for fact.
they still pay on webmoney ?
not knowing things is just the same as knowing them and not letting anyone know. i'm curious what are the reasons that he got banned?